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Liams POV

I walked into the apartment to see empty beer bottles and vodka bottles everywhere. Shit. This isn't good. I rushed to the bathroom and sure enough, there was Kent passed out by the toliet. The thing was, there wasn't anything in it. Kent wouldn't think to flush it.

I shook him awake, "Kent. Kent wake up you idiot." Kent jolted awake banging his head on the tub he had be leaning against.

"What the hell were you thinking. We worked hard getting you better and now after all of that work you had to get back into drinking."

Kent had had a bad drinking problem ever since he was 13. Before I went to prison I got him to stop and he hadn't touched the stuff until now.

"Like you should talk." Kent groaned. I rolled my eyes. "C'mon Kent. This shit almost killed you, you really want to start back down that road again?"

Kent was holding his probably throbbing head, and shushed me, "Shh, stop yelling. Whisper."

"So who came by earlier?" I asked. There had to have been somebody. "I think it was Ryan. It all feels like a dream, I'm not exactly sure what was a dream and what wasn't."

"Why was Ryan here?" I asked. "I think she was looking for you."

I smirked. She couldn't get enough of me huh? Kent brought me out of my daydream and surprised me by saying, "I know you slept with her, Liam."

I was suprised, definatly suprised "How-?" I was to suprised to say anything else. "I saw her profile when she was running out of the ally. Why didn't you rub it in my face that you won the bet?" Kent asked.

"Im not that much of an asshole, Kent. It wasn't even my idea, it was hers. She was drunk. Sky and Ryan had went to a bar earlier and I brought her here cause I didn't want her father to see her like that. It was her idea. I would never take advantage of a girl when she's wasted like that, but by the time we made it to the apartment the alcohol alreay wore off. That girls alcohol tolerance is incredable. Sky was completely wasted, and Ryan was just tipsy. She started drinking before you Kent."

Kent grunted, "Thanks Liam. I have a request." I raised my eyebrow at him and he went on, "Can I be your personal slave when I'm not hungover?"

I laughed at this which caused Kent to cover his ears, "Yeah, sure Kent, sure."

Ryans POV

I had taken one of Kents vodka bottles from his apartment. He wasn't going to need it anytime soon. My dad wasn't there when I got home, and I saw a note telling me he wasn't going to be in New York for a day or two, and reminding me to go to school and all that dad shit. School my butt. I'm going to party. Drink. Get laid. Maybe get high. Who knows. I am just so overwhelmed, I need to let go.

I broke out the vodka and took a big gulp of it. It didn't even burn my throat anymore I was so used to it.

I went up to my room and got out the weed I had saved for just such an ocation. It was emergancy weed that I vowed never to use unless I absolutly needed it. I needed it. Kent knew everything, and I think I broke his heart. I broke Steves heart. Oh Steve.

I walked downthe stairs taking another gulp of the clear liquid, and now that I think about it tasted like whipped cream. Yum.

When the vodka was gone I went to my dads mini bar and broke out some scotch. Wow, he is so intelligent keeping his alcohol out in plain sight when his former alcoholic daughter lives with him.

Drinking the scotch straight from the bottle I stumbled into the living room with my bag of weed and a lighter. I lit up and inhaled the beautiful, illegal toxins. It felt so good. I hadn't gotten high in forever. I missed this numb feeling. Everything was a blur and I loved it.

All of a sudden there was a rapid knock at my door. "Who is it!" I screached. There wasn't an answer, just more knocking. I got up and stumbled to the door. I tripped right infront of it and hit the door with a loud bang. Ouch. That hurt my head.

I opened the door. Through my blurred vision I couldn't see who it was. "Who are you." I slurred at the unknown person infront of me.

"Oh my god. Ryan, what the hell are you doing? I knew something like this would happen if you moved away." that voice. Even through being drunk and high at the same time I would recognize that voice anywhere. The voice I grew to love back home, and the person attached to it.


Didn't expect tht did ya? No I don't think you did!





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