Chapter 34: Boston

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Hey besties omg look at that I'm actually updating. I just wanted to put a WARNING on this one because it involves violence, death, and mentions of suicide. If you are sensitive to that then skip right over it love. I love you all, on with the show. 




Boston, Massachusetts

"You are so pathetic Leah! How could I have raised someone like you?" he screams in my face.

"You didn't raise me," I speak quietly, tears streaming down my face.

"What did you just say?" he walks over to my bed so his face is in mine. I can see how big his pupils are. He reeks of alcohol and his face is bleeding, another fight I'm assuming.

"Nothing!" I practically scream in fear. My father never has hit me before but he's unpredictable.

"That's what I thought!" he backed away from me, smashing my vase against the wall. I watch as the water rolls down the wall and the sunflowers hit the floor. "I didn't raise you to be a bitch that talks back. But I guess that wouldn't matter because you're a complete failure anyway."

He walks over to my dresser, "Thank you for your generous donation." He stuffs my money I just got today in his pocket. I worked for that money. "Where did you even get this money?" He looks into my eyes and I look away. "Analeah! Where did you get the money?"

"Work," I say as he breaks my Abbey Road record in half. He looks around my room at all my things on my walls. My Beatles poster, my artwork, everything that brings me joy and starts ripping them all down. I look away not wanting to see it.

"Look at what I'm doing! You did this! You make me do this! It's all your fault! Everything is! Your mother killed herself because of what an annoying little brat you are! You should follow her, you should kill yourself because nobody cares about you!" He screams. He looks at me. "Stop crying! Do you want me to give you something to cry about?" I aggressively shake my head. He finally turns around leaving my room. I look at the clock it's two in the morning. I hear the front door of my house slam, he's gone. Why is he like this? I'm only seventeen. 

"Leah, honey," I hear Harry say. "We're at the hospital."

I look over at him and nod. We get out of the car and he wraps his arm around my shoulders. "What were you thinking about?"

"Just everything," I reply, he kisses the side of my head.

We walk into the hospital where I talk to a lady sitting at one of the desks. She was nice I think, not that it's easy to tell after talking to someone for a couple minutes. She gave me my father's room number. When we found the room I froze at the door, just about to touch my hand to the knob. My hands started shaking. I don't even have close to a clue of what he's gonna look like when I go in there. I feel a hand on my shoulder, Harry's hand.

"Are you sure you're okay with doing this? You don't have to go in right now, or at all if you don't want to," he says, quietly. I can tell he's worried but I have to go in. If I don't go in, as much as I hate him, I will regret it down the road. That's just the type of person I am I guess. No matter what the person has done to me, I will always feel bad for them.

"I need to go in, as much as I don't want to. It's best if I do," I finally place my hand on the door knob. I open the door slowly desperately not wanting to look inside. The door opens fully and I walk in, looking everywhere but the bed he's laying in.

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