Epilogue 3

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October 2031

It's a nice day out today, not too cold for October. Today I have to make sure the sunflower garden stays intact through the winter. "The sunflowers are dead, mum," Harper says as she follows me out to the garden in the back of the yard. "Only for right now. Don't worry they'll grow again soon," I explain to her. She nods and sits down next to me as I remove all the dead stuff from the garden.

Harper Anne Styles. She just turned seven in September. I can't believe she is seven already. I feel like I just had her. Harry was right, she ended up being a girl. We've known we were gonna name our first girl Harper since before we were even married. She's perfect in every way. She's kind and so helpful. She's talented too. She's liked music since she was a toddler. Harry's been teaching her different instruments since she was three and she's getting pretty damn good at it too. He said he's gonna move her into singing soon. He isn't forcing it onto her, she's interested in learning. Harper will even watch me paint or draw and she'll be asking me all these questions. She's the type of kid that's genuinely interested in learning. She knows that's my job, art. Her mom is an artist. I don't think she really understands who Harry is and what he does yet but that's okay. She just knows her dad makes music and we travel a lot with him. We try to keep the kids out of the media as much as we can even though that isn't easy sometimes. When I look at her, all I see is Harry. She's all her father, looks, personality, everything. I hate to say it but I think she favors her father more too. She's the type of kid that can change your mood from sad to happy in one second, she doesn't like to see people upset. 

"Harper, come play football with us," Ben shouts over at Harper. Harper rolls her eyes and shakes her head. "I don't want to play," she responds. I look over at Ben and Harry playing. Harry's got this big smile on his face because of her reaction. Harper is not the sports type, she hates sports. That's like the only things she gets from me, she could care less. Ben on the other hand loves it.

Benjamin Edward Styles. He'll turn five in the beginning of December. Ben is a complete wildcard. He does what he wants when he wants to. He's so different compared to his siblings. He has his own personality. He's just a ball of energy and is very talkative. He would talk to someone all day if they let him. We just got him into soccer, well football, because he said he wanted to and we thought it would help him burn off a little energy maybe. He's very smart for his age, he just has all these questions about everything. At the age of five he's already trying to figure out all the rules when it comes to sports. He asks Harry a million questions while they watch games. It just makes Harry happy because he gets to bond with him over it, he's always either watching soccer with him or playing it with him. 

"Careful, the ball almost hit your sister," Harry says as we all look over to where Charlie is sitting under the tree. She stares at us all with wide eyes then goes back to coloring in her coloring book.

Charlotte Jane Styles. She turned three in August. She is my absolute twin. She looks like me and acts like me. I mean one of them was bound to come out like me, I birthed them. Charlie was such a surprise. We weren't even trying with her, she just happened. I'm glad she came, she completed our family. She's quiet and shy and keeps to herself, like me. She likes to color, that's her current favorite thing to do right now. A selfish part of me hopes that never changes. She's very good with her words, she has a huge vocabulary. She can even spell her name flawlessly, Harper taught her. She looks up to Harper a lot, even Ben. They are so good with her, always trying to help when they can. I remember when I first had her, Harper took charge immediately and tried to help Harry and I as much as possible even though she was only four at the time. 

As much as having children is stressful, I wouldn't trade them for anything. It's crazy to be in charge of little humans. You have to protect them and feed them and make sure they are healthy and hold them, that's my favorite part, just holding them. They grow up so fast. I'm glad they are all becoming a little more independent but I miss them all being babies. 

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