Chapter 38: Full Moon

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Harry's POV:

Well, that didn't go as planned. I don't know whether I should call her or just wait until I get home, I'm gonna be there in fifteen minutes. She's probably freaking out, I know I am at least. I hate when people are in my business. I really didn't want to say it but if I didn't he wasn't gonna stop. 

In James' defense, he was doing his job, but that doesn't mean I'm not upset. The topic of whether I'm single or not is always the first question, I hate it. Why does it matter whether I'm with someone? I truly don't get it. 

The only positive in this is that it was gonna come out eventually, most likely on tour. It shouldn't be like that, yes Leah is my girlfriend, but even if she wasn't and I was hanging out with her they would still assume that she was. They always like to make me out to be this person that I'm not. I hate that, especially when I was younger, anytime I would hang out with one of my friends we would be on the front page the next day. Leah and I are together but it's none of their business. They don't get anymore, not a single detail. That's it. The rest I want to keep to myself.

I feel bad that I put Leah in a situation like this, not that I can help it, I don't want to be in this situation myself. It's worse because I'm helpless, I can't stop it. I can't stop all the nasty comments towards her, I can't stop the people that won't give us privacy, I can't stop any of it. If I could stop it, it would've been all gone a long time ago.

I feel bad for complaining because of how fortunate I am. I get to do what I love, making music and performing, I have nice houses and cars, I have nice clothes, I have an amazing girl who I'm gonna propose to one day. I'm blessed. I just wish I could separate my personal life from my job but I can't. I sometimes wish it would stop at the music. If it did I could live my life not worried about the outcome of my actions and what they're gonna say in the press. It's gone as far as people figuring out where I live. People take it too far. I'm a real person and sometimes I feel like people forget that. I'm just Harry. 

I pull into the driveway and into the garage. I lock my car up and walk up to the door, opening it. I don't really know what to expect from Leah right now besides that she's gonna be freaked out. We just talked about this whole thing this morning, I promised it wouldn't get out. I walk into the living room. The TV is off and there is a blanket and a pillow on the couch but no Leah, maybe she went to bed. I walk up the stairs, going straight into our room. The bed is still made. I check the balcony, she's not there either. I look in the guest bedrooms and she's not there either. Then I start looking all around the house, even in places she wouldn't be.

When I can't find her I begin to panic. Where is she? Did she leave? Why would she leave? She wouldn't leave me, would she? Not over something like this. I try to call her and her phone starts going off from under the blankets on the couch. "That's smart, Leah," I mumble. I get back into the car and pull out of the driveway.

I begin to panic more the farther I get from the house. It's dark, she doesn't have her phone, who can imagine who's out there. I continue to keep driving with my high beams on, going slow.

As I turn around a corner. I see her walking in the distance, wearing sweatpants, black converse and one of my hoodies. She's pretty far from the house at this point and I don't think she even knows where she's going. I slowly get closer to her. 

Driving next to her, I roll down my window, "Leah, what the hell are you doing?" She rolls her eyes and continues to walk as I drive next to her, not even looking at the road in front of me. "Walking, what does it look like I'm doing?" She's pissed, Leah rarely gets angry so when she does it's scary. She crosses her arms. She has the sleeves of my hoodie pulled over her hands, she's probably freezing. We might be in LA but it can get cold. "Leah, get in the car, please." She shakes her head, she's stubborn. "Why are you walking out here at this time of night?" 

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