Chapter 7: Do You Know Who You Are?

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*Song: Love Of My Life by Queen*

Harry's POV:

"Harry you need to find yourself, you need to find who you are without her," my therapist says as I just sit on the couch staring at her. I shake my head. "Do you know who you are?"

"No but I don't want to know who I am without her. I like myself better when I'm with her," I say.

"And I get that but you're not with her right now so this is when you have to figure out who you are and who you want to be, independently," she says.

"How do I figure out who I am?" I question.

"Go exploring or something, by yourself of course. Being by yourself is your only real way to figure it out," she says.

"Okay, thank you," I say.

"Of course, I'll see you again in a week," she says and I furrow my eyebrows.

"A week, you've been seeing me every couple days," I state.

"You need time to explore don't you?" she says and I nod. "Bye, Harry."

"Bye," I say walking out the door.

I walk to my car confused on where to go and what to do. I just sit in the parking spot staring off into nowhere. I wish everything was normal, I wish I could call Leah on what to do, she would know what to do. I can't call her though, she's not my girlfriend anymore. The reason this hurts so bad is because I think she was the one, she was my soulmate and now she won't even talk to me over the phone. How do I go from talking on the phone with her everyday for hours at a time to being lucky if she answers? I guess that's my own fault. I live for the phone calls that she actually answers. Does she even feel the same? When I talk to her it doesn't seem like she does. I take my phone out of my pocket and call Jeffrey.

"Hello," he says.

"I'm taking a trip to Italy for the week," I say.

"Why?" he asks.

"Because I want to and if you are worried about the music, don't be," I say and he starts to talk but I don't give him a chance, I need to do this for myself. "Bye Jeffrey."

I hang up the phone and realize something, Leah promised me she would come to Italy with me. I guess not this time.

"Jesus Christ, where are you taking me? Italy?" she questions, making me laugh.

"No but we can go there if you want," I say, smirking.

"Maybe one day," she states, smiling.

"You would seriously come to Italy with me?" I ask.

"Yeah, of course. I mean I'm going to England with you on Friday. Why?" she states.

"Well because at some point I'm going to have to go to Italy for this thing with Gucci," I say.

"When do you have to go?" she questions.

"I'm not sure yet but you'll be the first one to know," I say.

"Okay," she says.

"So you'll come with me? I mean I know I don't know when I have to go but you'll go with me?" I ask.

"Yes, I will go," she says, looking at me. A smile immediately appears on my face.

"You promise?" I question.

"I promise," she states

I completely forgot about her promise until now. Even when I went to Italy for Gucci I didn't even think to ask her, we were still together but I just assumed that she wouldn't want to go, I forgot she promised me. I don't even know if I told her about it. From the beginning I knew me moving away from her was going to create nothing but problems. When I first left I was so confident that we would be okay and look where I am now, alone. I hate being alone. I always feel the need to be with someone, especially her. It was really hard on me when we were still together and I was away because all I wanted to do was hug her. I feel like I show my love with physical touch and I couldn't do that from thousands of miles away. 

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