Chapter 2: Wake Up

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*Song: Dancing With Your Ghost by Sasha Sloan*

Everything is so bright, why is everything so bright? My eyes open fully and I finally take in where I am, the hospital. I start to panic looking around the room. What is going on?

"Hey, it's okay," Olive says, sitting next to my bed in a chair. She's crying. Why is she crying? She never cries. Am I actually dead and I've created this universe where Olive is crying? Or is this all real.

"Am I alive?" I ask, honestly.

"Yes you are alive, you just have bruises and a concussion," she sniffs.

"What happened then? Why are you crying? Where's Kenna?" I ask and she starts crying even worse than before. "Olive, where is Kenna?" She shakes her hand covering her face with her hands.

"She didn't make it, Leah," she says and the world stops moving. I just stare at Olive standing in front of me, breaking down. I lean forward and grab her hand, pulling her toward the bed to sit next to me so I can hug her. She sobs into my shoulder and my eyes take focus of the wall across the room from my bed, my gaze not leaving it.

Olive moves her head from my shoulder and looks at me. I look into her bloodshot eyes. I don't know why I'm not crying. Shouldn't I be crying? I was just in a car crash with my best friend and she died. Why don't I feel anything?

"How are you so, so calm?" she asks and I shrug my shoulders, wondering the same thing. I get a look at my hands, there's no rings on my hands.

"Where are my rings?" I ask.

"What?" she questions.

"My rings Olive, where are they?" I ask, again.

"I don't know. They were already off by the time I got here. I had to get you new clothes, your old ones had blood on them. Why are you acting so weird?" she asks.

"I'm not, I'm fine," I say.

"Okay," she says as a doctor walks in.

"Ms. Davis, it's nice to see that you are awake. You are going to be released today, here is a bag full of your things that weren't ruined during the crash," she says, handing me the bag. "I'm sorry for your loss."

She leaves the room and I dig through the bag for my rings. I find all three of them placing them all where they belong. I immediately let out a breath. I grab the clothes that Olive got me and go into the bathroom, looking at my appearance in the mirror. I look horrible, big bags under my eyes. A stitched up cut on my head and I have bruises all over me. I have never looked this horrible.

I get changed into the sweatpants and a shirt that Olive brought me, Harry's shirt. She doesn't know that we broke up. I kinda forgot when I woke up. I panicked when I noticed my rings weren't on. I know I broke up with him but I can't picture taking my rings off. Wait how long have I been here?

"Olive? How long have I been here?" I ask, walking out of the bathroom.

"A couple of days," she says, blowing her nose.

"Why don't I remember anything? Was I sleeping the whole time?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"They had you on heavy meds, they said you might not remember anything," she says. I can tell she's upset but I feel bad because I feel like I can't feel anything. Like if I were to touch my stitches on my forehead it wouldn't hurt. "Are you ready to go?" I nod and we leave.

I get into Olive's car, she doesn't turn the music on, which is something she always does. She pulls into a parking spot in the front of my apartment building.

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