Chapter 17: She

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Harry's POV:

"I love you, you know that right?" she says as her head lays on my bare chest, tracing my tattoos like she always does.

"Of course, I love you more," I say, running my hand up and down her back, under my shirt that she is wearing. She sits up and rolls over so she is now on top of me. She has this bright smile on her face, a smile that could brighten up the dimmest of rooms.

"Harry Styles that is not possible," she says as I flick my eyes back and forth between the green eyes above me.

"Oh but it is Leah," I say and she shakes her head. I flip us over so I am now on top of her. She giggles and her hand immediately rests on the back of my neck.

"You're trying to tell me that you love me more than I love you," she says and I let out a breathy laugh. "I just don't think that's possible Harry."

"It is," I say, smirking. She shakes her and laughs. I love her laugh, it's like a song.

"How? Where's the proof?" she asks and I smile, pushing her hair behind her ear.

"Let me show you," I say and she giggles as I kiss her, passionately.

I open my eyes and look around. I'm on my couch in the living room with the TV playing lightly in the background. I don't remember falling asleep but I do know that I was up late last night. I didn't get much sleep at all. I called Leah and I just sat there waiting for her to call me back but she never did. I guess she doesn't need me anymore, which may be a good thing.

That was a very intense dream, it felt almost real. It felt so normal. We would spend a lot of mornings like that, sometimes we wouldn't even say anything to each other, we would just sit there. Now that I look back I feel that I didn't appreciate moments like that enough. They were always my favorite. Just her and me with no distractions. 

I feel like I am always thinking about her in some sort of way. She has this place in the back of my head that I never think I will be able to get rid of. Even I think if I move on she will still be there. In my brain and in my heart. I keep telling myself that we will make our way back to each other if we were truly soulmates but each day that passes is a struggle because it gets harder and harder to see that happening.

I hear a knock on the door and remember that Mitch is here to work on songs. I don't really have anything lyric wise right now but I'm hoping that he can help me with that. He always does. We are good for bouncing lyrics off of each other. I get up and answer the door.

"How are you doing, H?" he asks, walking into the music room.

"Fine, how are you?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"Just got my head chewed off by Sarah," he says and I laugh.

"Oh and what did you do to piss her off?" I ask and he rolls his eyes.

"I forgot to put my cereal bowl in the sink," he says, clearly still annoyed by it.

"So when are you guys gonna get married?" I ask and he sighs.

"I don't know, definitely later on in life. I'm not ready for commitment like that yet," he says and I nod.

"Makes sense, you haven't been together that long anyway. No need to rush things," I say and he laughs.

"Says the one that would have married Leah any day of the week," he says and I laugh. "You know you would've. You were whipped."

"I was not whipped, Mitchell," I say, laughing.

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