Chapter 23: We'll Get Through It

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Surprise!! After that cliffhanger in chapter 21, I just had to give you a double update :)




Harry's POV:

"Olive forced you into therapy! Why would she do that?" I ask, laughing.

"I have no idea. I guess she thought it would help. But I guess she doesn't know me well enough to know that it won't," she says, laughing. "I just feel bad for my therapist honestly, she just sits there, trying to pry me open but it's not working."

"I just don't know what Olive was thinking," I mumble.

"I don't know either quite frankly," she says.

I cannot explain how much I've missed her. She's only been here for a couple hours and most of the time we haven't really even been talking but she's made me feel ten times better. I can't believe we are talking right now, in my kitchen too. Like she's actually here.

"So what about your art? Any new stuff?" I ask and her smile leaves her face.

"Umm I actually haven't been drawing or painting," she says and I immediately am confused. She loves her art.

"What? What do you mean?" I ask and she takes a deep breath. I can tell she's getting stressed.

"Maybe we should talk about that another time, I'm tired." she says and I immediately begin to worry about her. Her whole energy has changed.

"Okay, I think that was enough talking anyway," I say and she nods.

"Yeah, I definitely think we made progress," she says, getting up from her seat.

"Definitely," I say, also getting up.

"Goodnight, Harry," she says and I smile.

"Night, Leah," I reply, watching her as she walks up the stairs.

I walk upstairs to my room with a smile on my face. I don't care if this is all we'll ever be. I'm just glad we're speaking again. I lay down and I fall asleep.

My alarm goes off early because I have a meeting with my manager over facetime. I go to Leah's room and knock on her door. No one answers. I open the door and she isn't in there but her stuff is still so I know she didn't leave. I think to myself about where she would be and my first thought is the roof, to see the sun rise. I go to the roof and there she is staring off into the distance. She notices me then looks back at view.

"Sorry, couldn't sleep," she says.

"It's okay, you can go wherever you want," I say and she nods. "How long are you staying in London?"

"My flight home isn't until after Christmas actually. You wouldn't believe how busy everything is around Christmas," she says.

"I just want you to know that you can stay here as long as you want," I say, glancing down at her hands, noticing that she doesn't have either of the rings I gave her on. I still wear the one she gave me to everything I do. It caused an uproar with my fans knowing I still wear it after the break up. I could never take it off.

"Thank you but I don't want to be a burden," she says. Such a Leah thing to say. I roll my eyes.

"You're not being a burden, Leah. You never could be," I say and I already can see that she has a look on her face that she doesn't believe me. "Why don't you spend Christmas with me and my family. As a friend. Because I don't care what you think of me but you are my friend." That hurts. I see us both flinch at the words.

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