Final Author's Note

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Omg it's over wtf. I hope there wasn't any typos haha. Sorry if there was. 

I just wanted to thank everyone that read Anxious and Calm, you guys are amazing. 

I also want to thank Liv (my self proclaimed "manager" and best friend. @OliviaJoaquim FOLLOW HER) for helping with ideas when I would get stuck and helping me make decisions. I couldn't have done any of this without you.

I started writing Anxious during quarantine because I was bored and I had just started reading fan fiction so I decided to give it a try. Never did I once think that people would actually like it. I write because I love it, it's an escape from the stress of the real world. I hope I could provide an escape for you guys too. 

I also wanted to say how funny you guys are. I see the majority of the comments on my stories and it's all pure comedy. You guys are also so supportive and I'm so thankful for that. 

My books genuinely mean a lot to me. I put so much time and effort into writing them, especially my characters, shaping their personalities. 

Harry, I wrote as what I thought he would be like in real life. Even though none of us will ever know, that's just what I imagine him to be like. His personality is completely my imagination just based on what we see in interviews and concerts.

Kenna, I decided to make her so that everyone hated her. I hated her too. I was excited to kill her off. She isn't based on anyone, I completely made her up. I wanted to make it seem realistic. I feel like not many people have perfect friends or friendships. Some people have to endure friends that are self centered and cruel but they keep them around anyway because they don't have anyone else. That's how it was for Leah and Kenna. With their friendship I was hoping someone could relate so that they could feel like they aren't alone. For Kenna, I also tried to include a little of what her family life was like so you could kinda see where she was coming from. 

Olive, I decided to make her have commitment issues, have her have a little more edge than the rest, but I still had her genuinely care about the people around her. I also hoped people could relate to her and her background. In the beginning of the story we saw Olive's rude side that Kenna would bring out in her but after Kenna died we saw Olive sort of blossom into who she really is, caring. Olive is truly Leah's best friend, she puts Leah first unlike what we saw with Kenna. 

Leah was the first character I knew exactly what I was doing with. I put a lot of myself into Leah. How she thinks and acts. But I also made sure I made her different. I wanted to show that you could have a bad childhood and still make it out okay, I know it's not like that for everyone but it showed that it is possible. I wanted to make her relatable as a person, how she would feel and act and how she would get emotional at the slightest things. One of my favorite things was when Leah wanted to be with Harry but was scared of it. That's one of the things anxiety is good for, stopping you from doing the things you want to do. I also wanted to show how intense grieving over someone can be. I wanted to show that sometimes it's not just crying and it's over, that it can be months or years of someone being stuck in a headspace and not knowing how to get out. Leah has my heart. I'm definitely gonna miss writing her the most. 

I'm gonna miss this book and the characters so much and even you guys if you decide not to read my new stuff that should be coming out soon I hope.

What a perfect segway to my new book I'm starting...

This is the cover to the book I will be starting to post soon

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This is the cover to the book I will be starting to post soon. It's called Amour which means love in French. 

It's frat boy Harry and it takes place in his senior year of high school (I know frat boy Harry was 19, just go with it haha). THIS IS NOT A CELEBRITY HARRY FANFIC. Harry's character is going to be completely made up by me. He will not be based on the real him at all. The only thing that I will be using from Harry in real life is his looks. The main character is a girl named Valerie, I've only written one chapter so far and I already love her so I hope you guys do too. 

This is the description...

You never really understand someone until you get to know them. Valerie Leroy thinks Harry Styles is some low life who has no ambition in life. Harry Styles thinks Valerie Leroy is a stuck up snob who tries too hard. They come to find out that they are more alike than they thought when they are paired together for a project in French class.

"Julia and Ben you'll work together on a project about family. Alex and Sarah you'll work together on a project about friendship. Valerie and Harry you'll work on a project about love." Madame Martin says.

"You've got to be kidding me," I hear his deep voice from the desk behind me. 

"Madame you can't do this," I say and she laughs. 

"Oh, mais je peux. Oh, but I can. Who knows maybe you two will become friends or something?" she replies

"Never," Harry and I say in unison. 

Keep in mind that I am not at all French, so when someone is speaking in French, which won't be too often, it's gonna be google translated and I'll put what I meant for them to say in italics in English like I did up there. If you are French and I offend you in any way, that is not my intention or if you want to correct me go on ahead and do it.  

If you decide to read it, I'll see ya there!!

Again, thank you to everyone who read and supported my books, I'll never be able to explain how much it means to me. I love you all. xoxo.

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