Chapter 42: Harry and Leah

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GUYS GUYS GUYS OMG WE MADE IT TO THE LAST CHAPTER!! This is so bittersweet for me because I'm sad because I have to say goodbye to these characters soon but like I'm so excited to start new things. ALSO THIS SONG SO GOOD GIVE IT A LISTEN VERY LEAH AND HARRY (Conversations in the Dark by John Legend). I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, see you at the end.




"Leah?" Harry whispers as we both lay in bed in our pitch black hotel room. I look over at the clock on the nightstand, two o'clock in the morning. I don't know how he's still awake, when he got off stage he looked exhausted, now it's like he can't even sit still. "Harry?" He rolls over on his side, I do the same, both of us now facing each other. He puts his hand on my cheek. "Why aren't you sleeping?" He questions in a quiet voice. My brain won't shut off, that's why. No negative thoughts, only thoughts of what's going to happen next. "That's the same question I have for you, you must be exhausted." We speak in almost whispers even though no one else is in the room, it's almost like breaking the silence would be a crime, the comfortable silence. "I was but I'm not anymore, I can't sleep." He pauses for a moment. My eyes now adjusted to the dark, I see him smirk. He gets up out of bed and throws his shirt on. "Come with me."

I put my shoes on and hoodie and we walk out the door. It's really quiet in the hotel, almost eerie. We go up a flight of stairs and onto the roof, a very familiar roof.

    "I honestly feel like I'm on top of the world right now," he mumbles.

    "Well I mean, this building is pretty tall," I joke and he laughs.

    "You know what I mean," he says, grabbing my hand.

    "I do, I really do," I say.

    "Leah?" he says.

    "Harry," I reply.

    "I think I'm gonna marry you one day."

 I shiver, it's cold tonight. I mean it's October in New York so that makes sense, well technically November because it's after midnight. I watch Harry as he looks over the edge of the building. "It's really high up," he says, stepping back. I walk closer to him. "This is where you kill me isn't it? You throw me over the side of the building, good riddance," I joke and he laughs, turning towards me. He grabs my face and kisses me. "That was the plan when I originally met you but then you went and made me fall in love with you so I'm kinda stuck with you now." I laugh as he gives me a big smile. "What if I just tossed you over the side?" I question and he continues to smile at me. He notices me shivering and pulls me into him. "You couldn't live without me, you're too obsessed," he replies and my heart melts. Our ongoing joke that wouldn't make sense to other people. The amount of times that I denied it just to mess with him. "You've got a point but I think you're way more obsessed with me." He laughs. I look up at him and he nods. "You're probably right about that one."

Harry lets go of me and lays down on the ground then holds out his arms for me to lay in. The feeling of laying in his arms is something I don't think I will ever get sick of. Even when I'm ninety and shriveling up like a raisin, I will still love it. It brings me comfort. It's like nothing can happen to me physically or emotionally while he holds me, I'm safe. "Your stars are being covered by the smog," he mumbles as I move my head from his chest to look up. He's right, they're nowhere in sight. I sigh knowing that I'll be able to see them when we go home. That's crazy isn't it? When we go home. We. "We'll see them tomorrow," I say. He kisses my forehead. I put my head back on his chest, hearing his heartbeat, something I hear every night before I sleep.

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