Chapter 11: Golden

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Author's Note: GOLDEN IS COMING is trending on twitter right now so I thought I would give you guys this chapter today. (:

*Song: Golden by Harry Styles*

Harry's POV:

"Promise me you'll stay golden," I say.

"I promise," she states.

"Alright then, I let you go," I say.

"Alright," she states.

"Goodbye, Analeah Davis," I say.

"Goodbye, Harry Styles," she says, hanging up the phone.

I can't believe that just happened. I don't even know what to do with myself right now. I can't even comprehend what I feel right now, I don't feel like crying but I feel this sort of emptiness. "Promise me you'll stay golden." I really hope she keeps that promise. She is so golden, inside and out. I hope that never changes, especially through all that she's going through. I have a feeling she will never change. As hard as things are right now, I have a feeling she'll pull through, she always does.

I walk to my music room and pick up my guitar. I start strumming something random. I began to write something a couple of days ago using that word golden and I think I really like it.

"Golden, golden, golden. As I open my eyes, hold it, focus, hoping. Bring me back to the light." Leah was the light of my life. Now I guess I'm left in the dark. Or maybe I am the darkness and I just have it all wrong.

"You light up a whole room when you walk into it. You're the light of my life honestly," I say to her and she smiles.

"I know you were way too bright for me. I'm hopeless, broken. So you wait for me in the sky." I honestly don't think she realizes how much of a rock she was for me and now I have to go without her for good, with only the hope that faith will bring us back together. I just have this feeling in my heart that I'll see her again at some point. It wasn't supposed to end like this.

"Browns my skin just right. You're so golden. You're so golden. I'm out of my head and I know that you're scared because hearts get broken." I remember her being terrified of being in a relationship. She was afraid she was going to get hurt and I guess now when I think about it she did.

"What's wrong sweetheart? Why are you crying?" I ask, concerned.

"I don't need to sleep on it, I know what I want. I don't know what to do, I'm scared Harry," she mumbles as tears fall down her cheeks.

"Come here," I say as I lean back so I am laying down again.

She moves towards the couch and crawls on top of me, her head now laying on my chest. I am a bit nervous because we have never done anything like this before but I know this is what she needs at the moment.

"What's going on Leah?" I ask, looking down at her.

"I'm afraid of getting hurt," she admits. She is still crying.

"Why would you get hurt?" I question.

"That's the thing, I don't know my brain just creates these things to stop me from doing things I want. It never stops," she sniffs.

"And what do you want?" I ask, softly.

"I want you," she whispers, trying not to cry even more than she already is.

"Well you've got me Leah, you've had me since the day I met you," I say, trying to comfort her.

"I'm just scared, I haven't been in a relationship in awhile. What if I am terrible at it?" she asks, now looking up at me.

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