pomegranate seeds - chapter 1

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6 months later.

'I'm on my way to meet Vincent but I figured I'd give you a call.'

The red lights of the bustling New Orleans roads reflected on Astrid Mikaelson's face. Having just dropped off Elysium from a day of "heretic 101" - as the heretic in question put it - the hybrid huffed as the traffic picked up and her sister in law replied, 'I thought you were with Elysium?'

'Yes Beks, I was indeed but when the could've-been Regent of New Orleans comes calling about a murder on Decatur Street, that usually means blood and well...'

Rebekah smiled on the other end of the line, 'You know, for a vampire she isn't that good with blood is she?' Astrid chuckled, 'She's getting better.. still won't go near the vein though but frankly I don't blame her.'

'Neither do I.' Rebekah was sat in her apartment in Morocco. Freya had restored her witch body and made it a vessel for her blonde sister, giving her the opportunity to jump between the two as she pleases and the vampire had chosen mortality for a while, determined to bring Kol back.

'You can tell me about this murder later, how are you? Are my brothers still at war?' Rebekah questioned and Astrid squirmed in her seat, 'Elijah can't even look at Nik. He's staying at his apartment across the river. He tried with Gia for a while but even she could see how heartbroken he is over Hayley.' She turned a corner with a huff and Rebekah made a comment.

'And how many shops has Nik brought out for you since?'

The cheeky comment provoked a weak smile from Astrid, 'Not exactly entire shops.. but if you asked me about a new car and necklace then maybe..' She was making use of her gifts as they spoke, sitting in her black 1964 Chevy impala. The snake necklace that sat around her neck held an ruby stone at its head, they had passed any kind of jewel anniversary so now he could "get her any jewel she wants" as he said to the store clark who looked moderately confused until he compelled him.

Klaus had still paid him though, he had only compelled him not to be scared and he knew that Astrid wouldn't be happy if he didn't pay for it.

'Bloody hell... sounds like him' Rebekah facepalmed as Astrid turned another corner onto Decatur Street, 'Unfortunately love, this is my stop. I'll call you later okay?'

'Stay safe, Astrid.' Rebekah smiled solemnly and the hybrid replied with a quaint 'You too' before parking the car. 'Vince!' She called out when she saw the witch and he turned around, 'You took your time.'

'Yes well, you picked Mardi Gras preparation season to beckon me. Traffic exists even when you practice voodoo.' Astrid hummed. 'You could've just walked..' Vincent trailed off until he saw her car and smiled, 'But when your husband buys you a fancy car like that, I guess you've gotta show it off.'

Astrid grinned sarcastically as the two began walking to the crime scene, 'Okay, the thing you gotta understand is me and all the P.D. have a relationship that goes back to that nastiness with my ex-wife. I'm their expert in anything that even seems occult. And every so often, they come across the aftermath of some black magic and they call me in.' Vincent explained and Astrid nodded her head in acknowledgement.

'I figured that out of any of the Mikaelsons that wouldn't go on a killing spree at the sight of something like this, it would be you.' Vincent elaborated further and Astrid was moderately touched.

That was the first time in a while that someone hadn't generalised her as a stereotypical vampire.

They turned into an alleyway and the hybrid was faced with a cop instantly. He stood just above her, with brown hair and a lean frame - kind brown eyes. The man looked happy to see the brunette and introduced himself.

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