15. Coronation

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I apologize for having not updated in over a month!! OMG! And this chapter is really bad and I hate it, but I wanted to get something out to you guys!

Hook quickly steered the ship into the secret docks where the King's navy was. No one would give it a second thought as long as the crew of pirates kept their volume down, and hid any evidence that they were against the monarchy.

Thankfully, most of the people were gone, except for a single guard that was asleep at the end of the dock, sitting in a chair. The prince's coronation ball was being prepared for tonight, and the actual coronation was being held right now.

Hook grinned lightly, and his crew began to prepare to set anchor. They would probably end up waking the guard anyway, but just one against a crew of pirates didn't really stand a chance.

Emma straightend her bodice, and pulled down her leather pants, fixing them. She leaned up against the mast, the suspense starting to get to her head. She rubbed her eyes, still a little tired, but thankfully, she didn't have to wear her eye-patch anymore... Her head injury somewhat healed.

"How much longer?" Emma's knee was jittery with anticipation.

Hook liked his dry lips against the windy weather, helping the ship to move faster. "Why? Excited?"

Emma inhaled sharply, shrugging. "Well, you could say that."

He smirked, pulling the ship into a small slot as the crew put the plank down. "Good, because it's time."

They stood at the edge of the ship together, walking over in a comforting silence.

"So this is it?" she asked. They waited for the crew to get all the supplies off, and watched as one of them dealt with the now awake guard at the edge of the dock. They would be the last ones to get off the ship. Hook was the captain, and there was no way that she was going to leave his side... Especially since she had never done this before.

Hook looked at her, raising an eyebrow. "What do you mean, love?"

She put her hand under her chin, leaning her elbow on the side of the ship, and holding her head up as the last of the supplies were being unloaded. "This is the moment that determines whether I have the guts or not to be a pirate."

Hook smirked at her, taking her hand, and she smiled at him. "Well, I mean, you could say so..." His eyes glistened. "But you're a bloody amazing pirate already, so you needn't worry about that."

Emma grinned wider, still holding Hook's hand as he led her off the ship, the rest of the crew tying up the ship to the dock. She quickly released it, hoping that he understood it meant nothing. It was just a helping hand down the steep plank.

"Listen up, scallywags!" Hook yelled, and the crew immediately turned to face him. "I'll be needing one or two of you to stay here the entire time to guard the ship!"

A tall, buff man with a scary looking face, and tattoos painting his skin stepped up. "I'll stay, captain."

Emma tried to stifle her laugh at his unusually high voice. She expected a brute like him to have a frightening voice, but it was quite the opposite. She exhaled sharply through her nose, squeezing her lips together, and he scowled at her, shutting her up immediately. This was the one man on the ship she had never bothered to talk to, but she never had to since he was always up in the crow's nest, though she couldn't remember his name.

"Wonderful, thank you, Kane."

So that was it...

Kane nodded, glaring at Emma as he went back up the steps to stand guard on the ship. She could tell that Hook obviously trusted him very much, because there is no way that he would leave someone he didn't alone with his precious ship.

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