12. Surprises

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Emma opened her eyes in a dark room. She turned her head to a small candle flickering. The light instantly burned her eye, and she shut them both quickly.

She turned to the other side of the bed, realizing it was just her one eye that was sensitive to the burning candle.

She tried again, but the effect was the same.

Emma wanted to sit up, but her head throbbed, and she flopped back down to the bed in pain.

The door opened, but she kept her eyes shut until she heard the boots stop next to her.

Was this Hook's bed?

She opened her eyes so quickly she winced, and tried to pull herself up, but strong arms were forcing her back down.

"Emma, darling, how are you?" Hook asked, looking at her intently as he rubbed her arm.

She sunk back, embarrassed. "How long have I been out?" she asked.

He grimaced. "Three days. The last time you woke up was a little over ten hours ago. You were complaining about your eye—said it hurt to open."

"I remember none of this," she answered, frowning.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "What's the last thing you do remember?" He couldn't deny the fact that he was worried, especially if she was having trouble with her memory.

Emma thought hard. "I got hit in the head with something... Is that why it hurts so bad?" she inquired, feeling like hell.

He nodded. "You had a severe head injury. That's why your eyes are so sensitive to light. We bought you this." Hook handed her a black eyepatch, which she pulled over her left eye.

He smiled weakly. "You look marvelous, Swan."

She laughed. "Pirate approved?"

He gave a weak grin. "Most definitely." Hook walked over to the cabinet across from the bed, pulling out a bottle.

"What's that?" She asked as he poured the liquid into a glass.

"Medicine, from a close friend. It's got healing properties from the mermaids," he replied, handing it to her. "Drink up!"

She took it reluctantly. "How do I know this isn't poison, and you aren't going to kill me?"

He rolled his eyes. "Darling, if I wanted you dead, I would have done it ages ago."

She laughed weakly. "I guess you're right."

She gulped down the gold liquid that was strangely delicious, and laid limp back against the covers.

"Go back to sleep, love. You'll need your rest for where we're headed next. Hopefully you'll be healed by the time we get there."

"Where are we going?" She asked as he started to step out of the room.

"Tortuga," he smirked. "It will take a month or so from here, but we'll get there."


Emma slept for the rest of the day, up until Hook came in at night. She wasn't asleep in the first place, but she wasn't really awake either.

She looked up groggily with the one eye she could use, since her other one was temporarily out of order.

Hook didn't even notice she was awake, and he continued about his business.

Emma was grateful for an excuse to be able to watch him without any questioning.

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