8. Hatred

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Soo again, this chapter is late, and I apologize deeply for that. Anyways, enjoy this chapter, and you guys are such great fans. Like seriously? 200 views in 2 days?

So if you actually read the character list, you probably saw a guy named Porter who wasn't in it until now, and will be throughout the rest of the story (probably).

The next morning, the ship was deadly silent when Emma walked onto the deck. The whole crew stopped to look at her, some with their eyes clouded with lust and hunger, while others looked bored to see her.

Emma scanned the deck, looking for no one in particular, but stopping when she saw Hook.

His eyes burned into her, and she instantly felt her cheeks flush red. How long had he been staring?

Hook gave her a satisfied smirk, and turned to focus on the task at hand.

The crew had gone back to work already, and she knew she should too, but she couldn't tear her eyes away from the captain.

He stood tall behind the wheel, the faint shadows of his muscles stood out under the thin fabric of his black shirt. His eyes fixed on the sea, and his jaw tight, Emma studied the stubble along his face, leading down to his rose pink lips. His tongue flicked out over the bottom lip, and Emma instantly wondered what it would be like to kiss him.

"Can't take your eyes away from the captain, I see." A voice said from behind her.

Emma's skin burned as she turned to see where the sound was coming from.

"I-" Her voice wavered, and she stumbled to choose her words.

"'S'all right. I catch every woman aboard doing this vessel doing the same thing." He chuckled.

"There are other woman aboard?" Emma asked curiously.

"No, I was talking about all the captain's one night stands that he dumps off the next day."

"Oh." Emma couldn't help but feel a bit satisfied that she would have Hook all to herself, but then scolded herself for thinking like that. Hook wasn't hers. She was a princess for goodness sake. And he was a pirate.

But an attractive pirate...

Emma shook her head. No! There was nothing attractive about him!

The young man chuckled again and bowed his head slightly. "Porter Blakney, miss," he said taking her hand in his and kissing the top of it gently. "Pleasure to meet you."

Emma chuckled a bit. "Emma... Swan. And the pleasure's all mine."

Porter grinned, and she studied his features. He was slightly taller than her, but not as tall as Hook. He had perfectly white teeth and light brown hair. His eyes were light green with a brown mixed within them—like grass that had been lying constantly in the sun. He had a small stubble, and long lashes that made his eyelids appear as if they fluttered close. To describe him simply—handsome, but he wouldn't exactly stand out in a crowd.

"So, Emma you're a new addition, right? You came with the other new man—August, is it?"

She nodded, opening her mouth, but he didn't let her talk.

"I've been a member for three hundred years." He said boastfully. "Ever since day one after the captain's brot-" he stopped, and cleared his throat. "Never mind."

Emma raised an eyebrow, wondering what he had been about to say, and she couldn't help but be curious...

"So, I saw you caused quite the commotion at dinner last night," he smirked.

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