4. The Tavern

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Before Emma felt the need to stay, she left her castle. Planting gentle kisses on both her parent's heads, she left a note next to them, on their nightstand.

The note, in her nice, and neat calligraphy read:

Dear Mother and Father,

I know this is a short goodbye. It hurts to write this, but you must know the truth....

I'm just not princess material. I faked loving the balls, the fancy dresses, and overall, I faked loving the man who was destined to be mine. I want you to know, though, that I do truly, and will forever love you. Maybe I will see you again when the circumstances are different, but for now, I'm going to look for my happy ending elsewhere.

Your daughter,


Emma felt tears spring to her eyes as she sat the note on the desk, but she let her mind wander off to what might happen tonight.

A new life for her would begin. She would be free. She would meet new faces, have adventures. It excited her.

But at the same time, it terrified her. What if freedom was nothing like she thought it would be?

What if she was endangered by the world? She hardly knew how to defend herself.

He father could have taught her to fight, but he hardly had the time. The ogre wars had torn him apart. So many people—friends had died, so much debt, so many problems. It changed him.

Emma was so lost in thought that she barely noticed she was at the stables. Looking up, she bit her lip nervously. Was this really happening? As she was about to open the door, she pulled her hand back, and took a shaky breath, preparing herself.

Her heart beat fast. She was going to do it. She was going to be free. Emma grinned, and with no doubts, opened the door.

Her black stallion was there, waiting for her.

She walked up to the horse, snatching an apple from the barrel.

"Hey, Dawn," Emma said excitedly, giving the apple to her. "You ready to go on an adventure tonight?"

The horse whinnied in agreement, and Emma saddled her up.

Emma nodded as she talked to Dawn randomly, whether she understood or not. Other than Aurora, Phillip, and a few other people—including her parents—there was no one Emma liked to talk to more than her horse. You could tell them anything, and they wouldn't spill your secret.

"Where should we go?" Emma looked at the horse questioningly, and if the horse were human, she would've shrugged.

Dawn just stared back at Emma with dark eyes, and a shake of her head.

Emma chuckled. "You're no help." She really didn't care though. She already had a plan. A plan she had been wanting to act upon for a while now.

"I thought we could visit the tavern right outside the kingdom. Get some insight from the other travelers. I hear they tell great stories there as well," Emma said, her eyes glittering with excitement for her journey, and suddenly, they couldn't leave fast enough.

Dawn stomped her feet in anticipation, and they hurried out of the clearing. She was soon outside, and her speed picked up immensely.

"Woah, slow down, girl," Emma murmured gently, but Dawn didn't listen. It's not like it mattered anyway. Emma loved the feeling of the wind in her hair. She felt heavy with burdens, but every step they took, the wind seemed to whisk them away from her, and she immediately felt lighter. She felt free. This was probably the most excited she had ever been.

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