3. Leaving

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Hey guys! Thanks for all the votes and comments so far! I didn't edit this chapter cause I wanted to post it, and my phones about to die, but if you see any grammar issues, don't be afraid to call me out on it;)

Emma paced her room back and forth, trying to decide what to do. It's not that she didn't like her life now, in fact she loved it. She loved her parents, even though at times it was hard to. She loved her friends. She just didn't feel free, she didn't feel like this was the right life for her.

Since she was being bound to something she didn't want, she made her final decision. She wasn't going to be queen, she wasn't going to marry Charles, and she definitely wasn't going to be placed into the hands of someone she didn't trust, much less like. She came to the conclusion that there was only one thing to do. That was to run away.

Not bothering to pack a bag, she grabbed the pile of gold coins sitting on her desk that she had snatched from her parents earlier. She pulled a satchel out of her dresser, looking for any essentials she may need on the journey. She put the coins in it, along with an apple she had picked earlier.

Walking across the room, she went to her closet, and put on her most casual light blue dress, paired with a light pink cloak. She didn't want people to know she was the princess... Especially if the guards came after her.

Just as Emma was about to leave, she heard a sharp knock on her door. She quickly shrugged off the satchel, and hid it under her pillows.

When she opened the door, she saw her best friend Aurora come crashing through it, enveloping her in a hug.

"Emma! I'm going to miss you so much!"

Emma stiffened against her tight grasp. How did Aurora know that she was leaving?

"I wish you didn't have to go, but your true love awaits! I can't believe that when you come back, you will be twenty, and married! Sorry I can't attend the wedding!" She frowned slightly, thinking it over. "I can't believe that I have to miss my best friend's wedding... I bet Prince Charles is a wonderful man!" Aurora noticed her friend's stiffness, and added, "Sorry if I scared you! Phillip and I decided to head out tomorrow, and I didn't want to miss the opportunity to wish you luck, and say goodbye!"

Emma relaxed, hugging her friend back. So that's what she was talking about. She had completely forgotten that she was supposed to leave tomorrow to plan the final bits of the wedding. They were headed to Charles's kingdom, where she would finally meet her betrothed. She had been so conflicted with herself about it, but thankfully, she no longer cared. She had made her choice to leave, even if it was one she might regret once she acted upon it.

She couldn't believe that she was actually doing it. Her family, her friends, and especially Aurora and her husband Phillip... She might never see them again. It brought to tears to her emerald orbs.

Aurora eyed her suspiciously. "Hey, what's wrong? It's not like you'll be gone forever!"

But I will be, Emma wanted to scream. I'm not coming back. Against her own will, she decided to keep her mouth shut. She wanted to tell Aurora, but she couldn't. Not if she really wanted to get away. There was no way that Aurora would just let her depart.

She shook it off. "I know, I know." She hated lying to her best friend. "But I'm really, really going to miss you." Aurora would never know how much.

Aurora hugged her tighter. "Hopefully the month will go by faster than we think."

Emma forced a smile. "Hopefully."

She gave Emma an encouraging grin in return, and stood there awkwardly as Emma stared at the ground.

A minute passed before Aurora spoke, her voice coming out loudly. Emma chuckled at her friend that never failed to cheer her up, even on the worst days.

"I have to go." She said with sadness. "Phillip is expecting me. Don't do anything stupid without me!" She said sternly.

Emma smirked, "How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you."

Aurora pretended to look offended, but couldn't help the laugh that escaped her. She gave Emma a tight hug with a small smile. "I'm being being serious, Emma. You don't know the safety of home until you venture out into the big, bad world," Aurora said with finality.

Emma breathed. "It doesn't seem dangerous-"

"But it is. You must be careful." She noticed Emma's look, and realized quickly she was scaring her friend. "But don't worry, you'll be fine. You're strong, and you'll have two brave kings, and a prince."

Emma giggled. It was at times like this when she felt like Aurora was more of her older sister than her best friend. She was a full two years older than Emma, and always tried to use that to her advantage, though they both knew that Emma had all the brains.

Finally, after a long talk full of laughter, Emma grew serious. "Aurora?"


Emma hesitated. She didn't know how to continue without giving anything away or sounding utterly ridiculous.

"I just want you to know that if anything were to happen to me soon, or if I disappeared, that you are an amazing friend, and I couldn't be more honored to call you that. I would also want you to tell my parents that I love them more than anything."

Aurora looked stunned, but chuckled. "Whatever you want... But the chances of that happening are about one-percent." She winked.

Emma froze. Her words came out shaky and nervous, "Um, yes, I just thought you should know that."

Aurora shrugged, her typical carefree smile appearing on her face. Sometimes she was just so clueless... Emma wasn't exactly nonchalant about her motives.

Aurora suddenly gasped. "I should get back! See you in a month, Ems! I love you!"

Emma smiled back. "Love ya!"

Aurora stepped out of the room, and began to walk off, but turned back to Emma.

"Oh, and on the sea, watch out for pirates. Trust me, they are not the type of people you want to mess with." The features on her face were full of playfullness, but her eyes were dead serious.

Her look made Emma shudder. Maybe she did know something after all.


-So, sorry about not updating for forever! I've been at another camp for the past week, so I couldn't update, and as I said in the last chapter, these chapters are long and my updating won't be as frequent as DFAM.

-Yes, I used a quote from Captain America. I just love that movie, my second obsession after OUAT, and if you don't like him, I don't like you

^Jk... I love you all. But seriously though. Cap FTW.

-Also about Aurora being her best friend.. I couldn't think of anything that was Emma's friend before Snow's that wouldn't be like older than her since the curse didn't hit... If you don't like that their friends... Too bad.

I'm going to start doing a small thing at the end where I give a little spoiler about the next chapter. So:

Next Chapter: Emma goes to a tavern.

So I hope you guys actually read that, and if you did, comment on this comment pls.

Thanks for the Love! And sorry about these super long A/N, I like to talk if you haven't noticed so if you wanna chat on ig or hit me up with a follow, mine is @deatheatermalfoy
!! Ok, I swear I'm done now. XOXOX

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