25. Defined by Choices

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Emma felt a pain in the back of her head, like someone was taking a hammer and hitting her repeatedly.

As fast as she possibly could, she pulled Killian into an alley, crushing them both against the wall.

Her breaths were heavy, and she hoped, prayed that her father hadn't caught a glimpse of her, or even if he had, that he hadn't recognized her under all the pirate exterior.

Her heart was racing, and she was sure it could be heard. Killian opened his mouth to speak, but before any words escaped, Emma clamped her hand over his lips.

He glared at her, but his eyes softened once he noticed the state she was in, practically seeing the emotions ripping through her.






Emma shook with all of it, not daring to move. She heard footsteps walking towards her, almost as steadily as her heartbeat. Her nails dug into Hook's arms, pulling them further into the shadows as she pushed herself as close to Killian as possible.

The boots stopped, and she heard her father's recognizable voice ring out through the crowd. "Check every inch of this place... Every inch! I want my daughter home safe and the pirates in chains!" Emma couldn't help but notice the strain on her father's voice, but she couldn't tell if it was from stress or fury.

The soldiers rang out in monotonous voices, "yes sir," before splitting off into groups that walked towards different directions.

Emma stayed still, not even daring to breath. Though hearing her father's voice had made her want to walk out into the street and wrap herself in his loving embrace, she knew she couldn't.

There was too much at stake here. Killian could get captured and executed, as could the rest of the crew, herself included. She had been seen at the coronation all those weeks ago, with people who had kidnapped Charles, who had murdered in cold blood.

Even if she was a princess, those charges would count against her too. She was worried that even with her father being a king of the highest order, not even he would be able to free them of the crimes they had committed.

Dread washed over her, making her more and more antsy as she stood there with Killian.

Though he hadn't said anything at all, or even questioned her, he held her tightly, his fear for her seeping through his touch.

Emma's anxiety radiated off her, and when she finally released Killian and relaxed, he couldn't help but look at her with worry.

"Emma-" He started, but she didn't give him the chance to speak as she quickly composed herself, putting her emotionless mask back on.

"We have to go, Killian. Now."

Killian raised an eyebrow as she pulled him along, looking up and down the roads to make sure the coast was clear.

"But my crew-"

"Should've stayed on the ship like you told them to. Any who left didn't obey your orders, and they'll get left behind... But if we don't leave now, we will all be in danger." Emma said sternly, trying to get through to Killian, who only briefly nodded, having just the slightest idea of what was happening. Maybe once they got back to the ship, he would talk to her and better understand what got her so worked up.

She pulled him along to the next alley, checking every step she took to make sure that there was no one on her tail. It was nerve wracking, trying to stay hidden from something that was everywhere. She never knew where the next soldier would be. She saw her dad with at least a hundred.

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