16. Attack

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Emma was pulled along with Porter and August, stumbling over her tall, black boots as she tried to catch up with the rest of the group. They were trying to get around to the left side of the castle, so that they could attack through the large, glass windows.

"August, what if we don't make it there in time!?" Emma whispered softly, eyes widened.

August shushed her quietly, gripping her hand tightly for comfort. "We'll make it, don't worry. Even if we don't get there right when we're supposed to... They won't start without us."

Emma felt a bit of relief inside of her, but still, she had doubts on whether or not this plan would work.

They neared the castle, the shining windows in view where they could see the party at it's finest. Hook and Smee stood in the middle of the large crowd, wearing their royal costumes.

The crew hid in the large trees and bushes where they could see, but the people inside couldn't see them.

They waited for Hook and Smee to make the signal, and Emma's heart almost beat out of her chest. She inhaled sharply, the only sounds around them being the intense breathing of the seven pirates.

"Do you think this will work?" Emma asked silently, fearful of what might happen if it went wrong.

"It's Hook's plan, it will work," Porter replied, a smirk spreading across his features.

Emma just frowned in return, seeing no humor in this suspenseful moment.

It seemed as if hours passed while they all waited. Emma's leg bounced up and down as she tried not to make any noise. She pulled her coat closer to her, shivering in the cool air of the night, and the leaves crunched in the wind that swirled around her.

Porter and August held large rocks in their hands, preparing to use them to break the windows once the signal was given.

Hook held a drink, standing by Smee. Emma could see the prince coming out to the front of the large ballroom, and Hook's wicked smirk spread across his face as he took a long sip of his drink.

Porter, the leader of their small group for the time being, announced for the attack to begin. Adrenaline pumped through Emma, and everything seemed to go in slow motion. The rocks whizzed by Emma's ear, shattering the windows, shards flying back at her. Cheers echoed through her ears, as well as the screams from the people inside. Emma's feet seemed to be cemented to the ground. She was unable to move until August grabbed her arm, pulling her through the broken window.

Hook's sword was thrown to him, and he caught it with his hook after he threw off the fake glove that was concealing it.

Smee and Hook stood back to back, fighting off every person that came at them. Terrified shouts were blaring through the spacious room.

Emma pulled out her cutlass and stood by August and Porter, who shielded her from the swords and arrows flying at her.

The innocent party goers rushed through the large doors of the ballroom, screaming as they went.

Emma dodged the army coming at her, blocking their blows.

"So, what's the plan?" Emma questioned, battling the large man that came at her, and sticking the sword through his heart when he revealed his chest.

"Hold off the men that come through that door," Porter shouted over everything, and nodding his head to the left, "for Hook. Other than that, I have no idea. That's all he said."

Emma grinned, working hard to keep up with the rest of the pirates. She didn't want to disappoint the captain.

A sword hovered over August's head, and Emma's heart skipped a beat. She panicked, quickly taking a blind shot at the sword to knock it out of his hands. A sigh of relief emerged from her lips, thankful when the sword skittered away from the attacker and onto the ground.

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