28. In The End

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I can't believe it. The final chapter... *happy but sad tears* I will still have an epilogue and of course and final A/N for this two and a half year journey (it's already in progress), but still. I hope you guys enjoy the final obstacles of Emma and Killian's (alternate) life, and please let me know what you think! I love you all so so much, and I never would have enjoyed writing as much as I do know had it not been for everyone would reads, votes, comments, and supports my books.

I'm getting emotional, I'M SORRY!!! On with the chapter, and enjoy!!!!!!

Also warning!!!, there is a small bit of previously thought of depression mentioned in this, it's nothing big, but just in case you wanted skip over it...


Emma grabbed Killian's hand, pulling him along quickly towards the end of the dungeon. Though he shivered, his clothes ripped from all the abuse, he gritted his jaw tightly. Charles followed behind them quietly, not even bothering to speak up.

"Killian?" Emma tried to get through to him, make him see past all the blind rage he held towards the Dark One. She wanted him to be rational, to calm down and think about the situation before he rushed into the mess, guns blazing.

It had nothing to do with jealously, Emma could care less that her pirate was still vengeful over his past lover's death. She understood.

It was cruel for the Dark One to murder Milah right in front of Killian. It was wrong for him to make Killian stand and watch.

Hook blamed himself for her death, that much Emma knew for sure. She could see it, straight through his fiery eyes, the way his fingers curled at even the mere memory of what happened on the ship that cool summer afternoon.

He kept walking while ignoring her protests, determination written all over his features. "The Dark One is here for me, Emma." Killian could hear the screams, but tried to keep them out of his head. "He won't leave until I'm dead. He wants to finish the battle."

Emma nearly passed out from all the emotions exploding in her gut. "Just think this through, Killian!"

"There's nothing to consider. If the Dark One wants my life, he shall have it." Killian responded, stepping in a puddle, mud flying up and splattering all over his leather boots.

"And what of me?" Emma suddenly stopped, pulling Killian to an abrupt halt next to her. "Killian, I risked my life to save you. My reputation, my family, my everything. And this is how you're going to repay me! By going on a suicide mission?" A burst of anger flooded her. The emerald eyes on her face lit up to a poisonous green.

"Emma, innocent people are dying!" He reprimanded.

"Killian Jones, I love you!" She shot back. "I can't live without you, I can't watch you waltz out there as the Dark One kills you."

"You can live without me."

She threw her head back, angry tears threatening to spill out of her eyes. "No, I can't." She shook her head. "If you let yourself do this, you're no better than Rumpelstiltskin when he killed Milah." Emma scowled.

"I-" Killian gave a sour face, but then his harshness dropped away. He shuddered, and sighed, leaning in to kiss Emma softly.

She tried to stand her ground, but melted immediately, pressing herself closely against Killian's chest. He was cold, and Emma's skin was unexplainably warm. She returned his kiss softly, moaning as his hand trailed down her back.

"I'm sorry, Emma," he whispered quietly against her lips. "I just don't want anyone else to get hurt because of me. No one innocent. Not your family, not you..." Killian trailed off, rubbing his fingers through his hair.

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