23. Confessions

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Hey guys! I'm so so sorry for not posting earlier, please understand. My life has been really crazy. I started high school this year, and it's been a lot of work, and I also play competitive soccer which also keeps me busy. My grandpa died two months ago, and my mom gave birth to my brother last month. So it's just been really crazy. I wish I could've gotten this out to you all sooner, I really do. I feel so bad for keeping you all waiting, but thanks for being so patient with me I love you guys so much.

Also, if you guys read this far, I decided I should get it done by Thanksgiving because the very first fanfic I ever wrote was a OUAT Thanksgiving one. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

Emma had awoken about half an hour earlier, when she heard loud footsteps stomping down to the bedroom. Her head was pounding, and she had drank about three glasses of water and swallowed some medicine before lying back down. But she was right back up again when she felt the hurt and fury radiating off whoever was coming to her.

Emma sat up, frowning. She felt a dizziness in the back of her mind, which she ignored, and watched as the door practically swung off it's hinges. When it opened, she was face to face with Hook, his eyes blazing like the heart of a flame, and he held a crumpled up sheet of paper in his right hand.

"Hook?" Emma asked cautiously, but he just gritted his teeth, looking a multitude of negative emotions.

"Emma, how could you?" He asked with a broken voice, shaking his head.

The blonde looked at him with a dazed expression. "How could I, what?" she asked, clearly confused.

"Lie to me?" He said not in sadness, but anger. "How could you lie to me, especially when I told you so much!"

Emma raised an eyebrow, trying to figure out what he was speaking about, though she had a feeling. She kept her mouth closed incase she was wrong, and felt her heart pounding ten times faster than usual. "What are you talking about?"

Hook's eyes narrowed. "You bloody know what!" he sneered, a scowl plastered on his face. He un-crinkled the paper, holding it to where her eyes could see.

Emma's face fell as his eyes bore into her. "Well, are you going to explain, Emma?" He spat. "Or maybe I just won't listen. You'll probably tell me another lie!"

Emma licked her lips, not wanting to mess up the one chance she might have at his forgiveness. She knew he was going to find out eventually, she just didn't think it would be so soon. She hadn't thought it out this far.

"I will tell you the truth, if you give me a chance." Emma was pleading with him, and she felt tears burning the corners of her eyes. This man, this man she had come to love, was looking at her with such hatred and betrayal, she felt like her heart had been ripped out of her chest.

Hook glared. "Well, hurry up, Swan. We haven't got all day." He crossed his arms, trying to contain himself from hurting her. He didn't want to, and if he did, he definitely wouldn't mean to. But sometimes, he just acted out on impulses, and did terrible things.

Emma took a breath, and nodded. "Well, I guess you figured out already I am a princess..."

Hook scowled. "I don't want to know your whole life story. I just want to know why you lied, why you ran, and why you aren't already gone."

His words stung, and pierced her skin. This wasn't the Killian she had come to know and care for. This was Captain Hook. The vengeful, deathly pirate that Emma had first met on this ship. And the way he was acting right now scared her more than anything.

"I left because I was engaged to someone I didn't know... It was an arranged marriage by our parents to unite our two kingdoms. I didn't want to get caught up in the mess of things, I hated my royal duties anyway. So the night before I was to leave to meet my future husband, I fled. I expected pirates to be my safest, most reliable way out of the place," Emma said softly, not looking anywhere near Hook. "I lied because I didn't want anyone to know who I really was, especially not you!" Emma yelled, but then her eyes widened. "I didn't mean it like that, I-"

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