9. Trying to Figure you out

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One week had passed since Hook and Emma's argument, and they hadn't had a true conversation since then.

They exchanged a few words, but nothing more than three or four at a time.

Every chance she got, Emma sent a scowl in the Captain's direction.

Hook had seen Emma become part of his crew, and it surprised him how much she seemed to enjoy it.

He noticed how easily she got along with them, how she took in every word they said, and especially how much she flirted with the other crew members.

Needless to say, he was jealous.

He hadn't been watching her to make sure she was doing alright. He watched her because he was drawn to her like a bee to a flower, and in all honesty, that surprised him.

She was beautiful, he wasn't going to lie, but she was also very, very frustrating.

He couldn't say two words to her without her running away, and he still hadn't gotten a chance to apologize.

Maybe he never would.

He knew that she didn't like him, and he wasn't too fond of her either, but in some circumstances, he found himself having feelings for her that he didn't really like.

He love her smile and her laugh. Her beautiful golden hair, her adventurous spirit, her pirate side, and especially, her dazzling green eyes.

She was a confusing person, and he knew that all she wanted was answers, but he never opened up to anyone but Milah and Liam, and he hated when people pried... Which was exactly what Emma was doing.

But after seven days of pretty much no talking, Hook finally gave up his pride to go apologize, and also to see if he could make any progress with the girl.


Emma was sitting on her bed, staring out the window at the rippling waves when she heard a knock at the door.

"Come, in," she answered, assuming that it must be August or Smee... They had been the only ones to really talk to her in the past week.

The door cracked open, and she didn't like what she heard. "Lass, I know that-" 

Emma whipped her head around, her eyes narrowing as Hook stood in her doorway.

"Get out," she spat, her voice full of venom.

Hook frowned. "Lass, will you please just-"

"No! I don't want to talk to you!" She turned her head away from him, refusing to meet his gaze.

"I'm sorry."

Emma's eyes softened, and she glanced at him. What?"

"You heard me, love. I'm sorry... For yelling at you the other day." He smiled weakly, and fished through the pocket of his jacket, pulling out a small bag of gold doubloons.

"Here," he said, tossing the bag onto the bed next to Emma. "We're making port in five days. I've put enough money in there," he gestured with his hook, "for you to buy a new outfit and sleepwear. You could use the extra clothing." He smiled slightly.

Emma should've been thankful towards the captain, but she wasn't about to let him win. She knew he was trying to get back in her good graces, and she wasn't about to let him do that so easily.

He was going to have to prove to her that he wasn't really the jerk he'd pretended to be in the past week.

Somehow in her heart, she knew he would do just that.

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