14. Breaking Barriers

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Hey guys! So yay, I actually got an update in kinda early... So, go me! Love you guys, you are my biggest supporters and inspiration! -R

A week had passed since Emma had decided that a romantic relationship with Hook was out of the question.

She was sick of him treating her like she was an ignorant child that always pestered him.

She had been here, on the ship, for three weeks. She knew the code, she followed every one of Hook's orders, she was the perfect pirate, and had quit swooning over him like an idiot! What more did he want for her to be able to prove to him that she was no longer a child, other than the fact that her birthday was in one week... Not that anyone knew that besides August.

Emma had been scowling at Hook for thirty minutes, angrily scrubbing the hard-wood floors of the deck, which she had been demoted to ever since their fight.

Finally, she couldn't take looking at his stuck-up face any longer. She threw her sponge down, marching over to Hook with a sneer on her face.

"Hook? A word?" Emma asked as politely as she could.

The captain didn't even look at her. "Can't you see I'm busy?"

Emma scoffed, "Please. A child could do that..."

He let out an low growl under his breath, turning his gaze towards Emma. "What, then? What do you want?"

Emma's anger bubble lifted to the surface, unable to hold it in any longer. "I want you to stop treating me like a bloody child, Hook, because I'm not! I've been on this ship for twenty-one days, I know what I should and shouldn't do! Being a pirate isn't hard. I shouldn't have to be left on this ship while you go on all your plunderings! I didn't come here for you, understand that now! You act as if I am one of your barmaid wenches, but I'm part of your crew! You are my captain, so STOP IGNORING ME!" Emma steamed, her breath shaky, and her hands balled into fists.

Hook was quiet for a moment, looking surprised by her outburst. "You're completely right."

Emma opened her mouth to protest, but her eyes widened. "I am?"

He nodded. "Absolutely. I may be a pirate and a villain, but I'm human enough to know that the way I've treated you is anything but fair. You are part of my crew, and I shouldn't act as if you are anything other. I suppose that I was just worried something might happen to you." He paused, and Emma was taken aback. "But never mind that... We are making port in a few days. You're welcome to come with us."

Her eyes widened. "Really?"

"Of course. I've changed my mind about you, Swan. You are definitely no damsel in distress. You've bested me multiple times, and I'd say anyone who's brave, stupid, and cunning enough to go against me is pirate material..." He gave a small wink. "Your temper's good too. You're going to need those things." He smirked.

Emma was completely bewildered. "What made you change your mind?"

He shrugged. "That little speech of your's... And I was waiting for you to prove to me that you had it in you."

She was stunned by the way he reacted, a little more dramatic reaction expected.

A small smile snuck onto her face as Hook called Smee over to take the wheel, and he slipped away to go down to the lower deck.


For the next three days, Emma was especially nice to Hook, being extremely afraid that he would change his mind about her.

He seemed to be in a much better mood than he had a week and a half ago. Emma had easily come to the conclusion that Hook had a nasty temper, and hated when things did not go his way.

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