1 (pt. one)

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Namjoon POV :

Namjoon excitedly walked away from his class as soon as the school bell rang. He just got a new part-time job as a waiter at the ramen restaurant near the school. He didn't want to be late on his first day as a part-time worker there.

"Namjoonie hyung! Wait up!" a shorter teenager ran behind him and tried to even walk next to him. But it was no use because namjoon's long leg and wider step make it hard for the younger male to catch up. So he reached out his hand to grab namjoon's shoulder.

"What is it Chim? I really need to hurry right now, I don't wanna be late." Namjoon stopped and looked at him.

"Ah, sorry hyung, but I have math homework today and I don't really understand how to do it, so maybe you can come up to my house by the time you finished your part-time?" Jimin looked with a pleading in his eyes, he knew namjoon weak for it.

Namjoon just sighed and then he nodded. " Okay I will. But promise me, you will study the topic first so I wouldn't have to explain it to you from the very begi-" 

"YAAY NAMJOONIE-HYUNG IS THE BEST! SEE U LATER HYUNG!" jimin cut as he hugged him and then ran back to class, probably to hang out with his friend. Namjoon just shook his head and continue to walk to his workplace.

He knew jimin since little. Both of them are from the same town and their families had known each other. Namjoon is one year older than jimin and since both of them are the only child in the family, they are closed to each other. 

Namjoon acts as the hyung and always protects jimin from the bullies, even though they ended up getting bullied together (since our namjoonie here is a nerd and a softie ( ' ▽ ' ).。o♡)

Namjoon also usually helps jimin with his study. The younger male is sometimes slow at study but he is best at dancing. He is really passionate about dancing and practices a lot, he dreams to be a famous dancer one day.

When namjoon turned 16 y.o, he got a scholarship and he decided to enroll in high school in Seoul to get a better education. 

Later on, Jimin was following his hyung footsteps, after graduating from middle school, he enrolled in the same school as namjoon. His family is more wealthy and so they can afford jimins school. 

Jimin is also staying with another relative in the city. Unlike jimin, with the scholarship money he got, namjoon rented a mini apartment near the school and since he didn't want to burden his parent for sending him money, he decided to try a part-time job.

Namjoon arrived at his workplace on time and started his shift at 4 pm and done at 8 pm. He was cleaning the kitchen and about to put the trash in the garbage bin outside when he heard a rustling sound. He then looked around to found the source of the sound. 

Suddenly he realized that there was a box next to the garbage bin that was slightly moving. Namjoon came closer, it was clear that the rustling sound came from something inside of the box. 

Joon kneeled down and slowly opened the box. He glared at the sight of a strange creature that was in the box. A small baby bunny with fuzzy greyish hair. Its big doe brown eyes looked straight into namjoon's eyes and successfully melted his heart. 

namjoon awwed and held the bunny gently in his arm. It was so small that it even fit in namjoon's palm. 

How could someone abandon this cute little creature?  he thought to himself

* ° ○ * • ☆ • * °○ *

edit : I decided to split this chapter into 2 parts bcs it is too long. I did a revise too, I hope u guys like this chapter 

lots of love ♡,


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