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Jin pov :

Hobi and seokjin walked to school. Turns out that the school is only about 15 minutes walk from his house. 

Both of the boys were talking and telling stories to each other on the walk all the way to school.

 Jin feels at ease and less nervous since hobi showed up to pick him up. He is very grateful to have hobi as his best friend. Hobi is literally a sun, he could lift up other people's moods and turns negative energy into a positive one.

When both of them walked through the school corridor, almost everyone turns their gaze at him. Few of them were staring and whispering. All of the stares are obvious, it's the kind of amazed stare.

Everyone who is the first time seeing kim seokjin in person must feel blessed and insecure at the same time.

Well, not forget to mention that his incredibly handsome face with almost perfect shape or his broad shoulder that catch everyone's attention. 

He has a pair of black eyes that giving a mysterious and deep look. Thick eyebrows that make any girl envy. Cute nose and healthy plump lips. In short, he is gorgeous and people just can't get enough admiring at the unusual sight of a person (or angel) this morning.

Hobi realize that everyone staring and he whispers to jin with a rather loud voice "woah jinnie, i think everyone is looking at you! They can't resist the beauty of the world wide handsome! Wait until they know that you're the son of blue- ouch!" jin then hit hobi's hand to stop him from saying the last part. He feels really uneasy at the people that looking at him and really scared if everyone will know his secret.

After showing jins locker that placed outside of their class, both of the boys entered the classroom. Hobi walked to the left side of the classroom that is next to the window. Then he sits on his desk on the third row.

 He points to the desk on the right side next to him, "you can sit here jin, this desk belongs to no one" jin then puts his bag down and sit there.

The bell rang and all of the students stand up as the homeroom teacher comes in. All of the students greet the teacher as the class president gives them a cue.

"Good morning class, today we have a newly transferred student. Kim Seokjin please come forward and introduce yourself" said mr. Han as he ask seokjin.

Seokjin stands up and walk in front of the class "hello everyone, my name is kim seokjin and you can call me jin. Nice to meet you all" jin bend down politely as the students said hello to him and a few of them claps.

"if there's anything troubled you, you can ask help from the class president, Wang Jackson, or feel free to ask help from the other students in this class," said mr. Han. Jin nodded while saying thank you and then he walks back to his desk.

"okay class, now let's begin. Open your book at page 51.."

/// time skips to lunch break///

"so this is the canteen. The food here tastes really good! I personally recommend you to try the chicken curry rice." 

Hobi had been giving seokjin a mini school tour and the last destination is the canteen.

He then walked to one of the table where he usually sits. There are a few students on the table, they are eating and chatting with each other.

"Everyone, i want you to meet my friends." hobi interrupt them and now everyone's attentions turn to him.

"Please welcome..kim seokjin! He is the newly transferred student," said hobi giving a dramatic gesture

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