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Jin pov :

Jin stands anxiously in front of the apartment door that written the number 6 on it. He sometimes couldn't believe how impulsive he could be. a minute he was told that namjoon would tutor him, he just rushes namjoon to give him his address so jin could come over. Technically, he insists on coming over until the poor boy agrees and is once again defeated by his will.

Finally, after 15 minutes straight stand in front of the door, kim seokjin succesfully convince himself to press the bell. Since when is the confident kim seokjin being sheepish like this? He thought to himself.

Click. The sound of the door makes him flinch. Right in front of him, stand Kim namjoon, looking hella hot. He is wearing a casual black t-shirt and shorts. for gosh sake his muscly calf and thigh are very visible.

"hello jin, please come in" jin trying so hard not to look at namjoon pants (lol he's not the only one who getting thirsty here)

The apartment is the type of micro-apartment with a modern style. It's only about 60 sqm but it is actually pretty neat.

Jin walked through the small hallway to the living room. On the right side, there is mini stairs that lead to the bedroom and on the left side, there is a toilet and mini kitchen.

The living room itself is pretty spacious. There is small wooden table near the kitchen space, a sofa, and TV. From the room, he could enjoy the view of the city from the big windows that also function as a door to the small balcony.

It's really a minimalist place but yet it's so comfortable.

"Sorry, it's small and messy. Please, make yourself at home"

Jin looked around, actually amazed at how tidy his apartment is. The only messy thing is there few jungkookie's toy on the floor. it seems that namjoon himself didn't have much stuff in there.

Namjoon lead jin to the wooden table near the kitchen and give him a sign to sit there.

Both of the males sit there comfortably and starting their study session.

Jin pov (flashback to a day before) :

It's Friday evening and it means club activity time in the school. Every student in the school must join at least one club and so since jin is a new student he must choose one club to enter there. He then decided to take a look at every club activity before deciding.

After seeing the dance club practice where hobi and jimin club are, which does not suprisingly turn out that Hobi is the president of the club. Jin knows hobi for so long and he knows that dancing is one of hobi's natural talent.

Jin moved on to the teather club and see Taehyung there. He watches the younger boy rehearse for a play and he is amazed at how good he is at expressing a dramatic moment.

Next, he went to the music room where the band practices. That's when his eyes catch namjoon with jennie sitting next to each other in the corner of the room. Namjoon is holding a notebook with his pen and next to him jennie is also holding a few papers.

Both of them look like discussing something over the paper. But the thing that annoys jin the most is the sight that both of them look very close. Even namjoon look very excited over the thing that they were discussed.

Meanwhile, jennie is smart enough not to waste this moment where he can finally alone with namjoon, not surrounded by any of her friends. She is very flirtatious and touchy. Very smart move girl jin thought when he saw jennie laughing and naturally lean her head to namjoon (comfy) shoulder.

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