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○ * • ☆ D-3 schools festivals ○ * • ☆

Namjoon pov :

Three days to the school festivals, everybody was busy practicing for the performance, including namjoon. It was luck that namjoon got picked by the teacher to perform on the stage. Well, that's what he thought, but for sure the music teacher sees a lot of potential from him.

Namjoon was working really hard for his debut as a soon-to-be-popular-school-rapper. He was looking towards this performance as this was the first time he will appear to show his hidden talent in front of the whole school. So he was kinda nervous but excited too.

After done rehearsing with jennie at the school studio, he was taking a short break for lunch. Usually, jennie followed him to the canteen (and almost everywhere, except the bathroom), but today the girl was having a diet so namjoon could go to the canteen peacefully.

He met jimin at the canteen who was also taking a lunch break from his dance practice. Both of the males sat at the table to enjoy their lunch.

"so how is been going with you two? Did you already talked to him, hyung?"

"not yet, chim. I don't want to disturb him, he seems very focused on cooking practice."

Jimin stopped chewing and looked at his hyung with unbelievable eyes.

"hyung, don't get me wrong, I don't mean to upset you but two days ago I saw jin-hyung walked home with kihyun and they might seem...very close" said jiminie, showing the picture he took to namjoon

It was an unpleasant sight for namjoon to see, another man holding kim seokjin's shoulder and the fact that it was raining so both of them had to walk very close to each other under the same umbrella, made it worse.

"well, they could be just only friends." Namjoon bite his sandwich and pretend not to care much, while inside, you know he was scared.

"you have to be clear with your own feelings hyung. Tell him you like him"

Namjoon choked on his sandwich.

"Nope! I don't think its necessary jimin ah, I am happy with the way its going between us right now and being his friend, that's enough for me,"

"But hyung, I don't want jin-hyung thinks that you don't have feelings for him or worse, that you are into jennie. Then another man steals him away and you ended up being alone without him. All of this could happen if both of you, especially you hyung, are not being clear with own feelings and honest to each other."

Jimin words now seemed to affect namjoon. For the past few days, jimin was trying to convince namjoon who was very denial (and shy) to speak out his feeling to jin. The truth was, namjoon just didn't have the confidence to do so, but in the deep soul of his hot-thick-muscly body, he wanted to because he was scared to lose his precious kim seokjin.

"if you don't explain your feeling to him, how could jin hyung notice? Your feeling would be buried beneath the deepest heart of yours and one day, you ended up regretting it when u see him walking in the aisle with ano-"

"okay jimin I got it. I'll try to think about it," namjoon cut him, hearing of seokjin marrying someone else is wrecking namjoon.

Jimin gave his winning smile to namjoon

"I got a plan hyung. Remember the 'Roses Tradition' at the school festivals? You have to give jin hyung red roses at the Music Night Performance after your stage performance and you will tell him about your feeling. Don't worry, I'll take care of the flower. You just have to be there and be ready,"

"Wait, I said I'll think about it first. You don't need to-"

"what? Sorry, I couldn't hear you hyung, Hobi hyung is calling from the dance studio. Okay, I will buy you a lot of red roses. Good luck and bye-bye!"

Jimin laughed and ran before namjoon throw his milk box at him

"hey! I didn't say I agree!"

* ° ○ * • ☆ • * °○ *

nom nom namjoon :D yummy namjoon

I'm hungry right now (っ˘ڡ˘ς) 

(≖ ͜ʖ≖)hehe...

lots of luv,


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