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Jin pov :

Kim seokjin comes from a wealthy rich family. His family owns a big company knows worldwide. From generation to generation, the company is still growing successfully and estimated to have billion-dollar assets. With all the money his family has, jin is considered as living a royal life. His family owns a lot of mansions and property in a different country and that makes his childhood life always moving from one to another country almost every year, due to his parent's work.

He is surrounded by all of those luxury things and branded stuff. But all of those things don't make him an arrogant person. He is basically a down-to-earth person who just wanna blend in with the other. He just doesn't like the way everyone always treating him special and precious just because he is the successor of his parent's company, The Blue Moon Company.

He wanted to be a normal teenager with a normal life and normal friendship. He was actually never had that kind of friendship. All of his life, he usually ended up with fake friends who close to him just because of his family's money. 

Well, jin is usually happy at first that many people adore him and want to be friends with him, but it always ended up he found out later the true intentions of all his friends. Maybe jin is too kindhearted, he always wanted to pay for everything when he hangs out with his friend. But all of those friends will leave him when he decided not to buy them stuff they ask again.

This kind of thing always happened every year, especially whenever he moved from one school to another in a different country or state. He started to get usual to it and stopped trying to find new friends. Maybe he just doesn't really believe that real friends do exist. He is now living with a great trust issue.

Today is his first day of school in korea as a second-grade high school student. He just landed from america last week and spent the last two years there, attending school there due to his parent's job. Even if he enters his school in korea in the middle of the semester, he got no problem adapting to his study because he is a diligent student.

The one thing that makes him nervous is the fact that the students there will find out later that he is the son of the owner of the world's biggest company. Well, he really wanted to forget the past trauma he had back in america and starting fresh in korea as a normal teenager, without anyone knowing his true identity.

"are you okay jinnie?" a calm voice snaps him out him from his deep thoughts and brings him back to reality. Jin looked up to her mother as the pretty woman suddenly showed up to their dining room and he doesn't even notice her. The woman, Kim Sung Hee, the owner of the blue moon company and seokjin biological mother, sits next to him.

"why aren't you eating your breakfast? Are you feeling unwell, honey?" the woman looks at him with worries on her face. jin look to her mother, she is wearing one of her expensive work suit that was probably made by the famous designer. 

She had put make-up on, even if jin always thinks that her mother doesn't need one. Her face is naturally beautiful and thanks to the million-dollar face treatment and skincare, her face looks so young and healthy compared to other women at her age.

"uhm.. no, I'm fine eomma. Maybe just a little nervous since it's the first day of school in korea" he forced himself to smile a little bit just to make his mother believed that he is totally fine and nothing really bothers his mind, which is the opposite. 

His mother smiled at his only son and stroke his hair gently. " Hoseok will be in the same school as you honey. You can ask him to accompany you until you get used to your new school environment. There is nothing to worry about," seokjin eyes got bigger at the mention of Hobi's name.

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