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Jin pov :

Jin look at the two figure that recently entered the minimarket. The male is very tall, wearing a black hoodie and a cap, next to him there's a tiny figure of a toddler.

The toddler is wearing a really oversize sweater, it almost looked like he is wearing a dress. But then jin decided not to think about it much and keep walking to the table.

Jin sit down and get ready to dig into his hot noodle. Suddenly the previous little boy approaches him and stands next to his table.

"uh.. hello?"

"hello mister. What is that?" the little boy pointing at a milk box that he also buys in case if the noodle is too spicy.

"this is banana milk"

"kookie likes it! it's yellow!" said the boy, his eyes are getting bigger as he mentions the word 'yellow', jin laughed looking at the boy's reaction towards it.

"You can have it if you want,"

"kookie wants banana milk!" the little boy nodded and jump around on his tiny feet, almost screaming in excitement

Little kids are so pure, a simple thing such as banana milk is enough to make him joyful and filled with happiness. Maybe all of the adults should learn from the kids, jin thought to himself.

Jin then kindly handed the milk to him. The boy excitedly giggles, showing off cute bunny teeth.

Then, the guardian of the child, the very tall-man-with-a-black-hoodie-and-a-cap, comes up to them. The man is lowering his head down so jin couldn't see his face clearly. It seems like that the man is avoiding jin and preventing him from seeing his face.

"yahh kookie, please don't run away like that again, c'mon let's go bud we have to go," said the man clearly with a worried sound.

"wait, where did you get those milk? Put them back kookie"

"joonie hyung, mister give this to kookie," said the little boy, Kookie, pointing to jin.

Joonie? It kinda reminds him of the name that hobi mention earlier..

"No kookie, give them back to mister. Sorry sir-"

"No, it's okay, i gave it to your brother," Jin couldn't let the boy cry, the little boy was already pouting and giving a sad puppy look to the man when he told kookie to return the banana milk back to jin.

"But i don't want to burden you Sir. Give them back kookie"

"No! Kookie wants banana milk" kookie whined

"kookie please.. mister here is waiting"

"No I am not and I'm insisted!"

Jin didn't even notice that he sound 'pushy' and it seems that this joon guy is shocked. There's an awkward pause between them.

"hmm..i mean, please i'm insisted, just take it." said jin, feeling kinda guilty for using such a tone to the man.

The man unexpectedly admitted that he had been defeated

"o..okay then. Kookie what should you say?"

Jin melted at the way the man kneeled on the same level as the little boy and speak softly to him. 

This time jin could see the man's face clearly and for a mili-second, their eyes met, but the man looked away and focused on his little brother.

"Thank you mister!" said kookie happily, he is now again jumping excitedly on his tiny feet

The man smiles at the boy's reaction and god.. those dimples are gorgeous.

Jin doesn't realize that he is practically starring at the man's dimples like an idiot.

"Are you alright, sir?" joon looking at jin with worried

" Yeah, i'm fine! You're welcome kookie.." he smiled shyly trying to hide his face, he swears to god right now his ears are getting red.

Then, the man in the black hoodie stood up and said thank you once again.

Jin watched as both of them walked out from minimarket.

He realized that he might just encounter love at a first sight for a tall dimpled man with a bunny kid. 

* ° ○ * • ☆ • * °○ *

it's bad ik

*sobs* T^T

lots of love ♡,


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