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Namjoon pov :

When he arrived at his apartment, he laid lil kookie who is now in a deep sleep on his bed. Then he took a shower and get ready to bed.

Namjoon sits on his bed and sets an alarm on his phone. He takes a look at jungkook who is sleeping in the middle of his bed. Namjoon lied down slowly next to him, he won't want to wake the little boy up. He might not have the king-size bed but the bed is pretty big for one and could fit two adults.

Suddenly, just like an instinct, as kookie felt the presence of namjoon next to him, he moves closer to him and snuggles on his neck. His small body curled in almost small shape. Namjoon doesn't mind at all, he was tired. He closed his eyes and fly to dreamland.


Namjoon woke up before the alarms ring. He got a cramp on his neck due to an unbelievably small but strong hand that strangled his neck all night. He successfully let go of the child's arm from his neck without waking him up.

 He still couldn't believe that the human baby is still there, sleeping peacefully on his bed. So it wasn't a dream huh? he thought.

He looked at the clock on the wall. He should be getting ready for school. But he had no idea how he would leave for school. He couldn't just leave the two years old in his apartment and he also couldn't bring him to school. There will be everyone asking why, how, or who is this baby.

So after washing up his face and brushing his teeth, he called jimin.

"hey hyung, so how is it going? Does he shape back to bunny form? Or... it is just a dream yesterday? Because probably i think my brain cell is kinda damaged for solving maths question yesterday and I'm seeing weird stuff, bunny turned into a human, that's weird right?" jimin starts talking worriedly as soon as he picks up his phone.

"no chim. He is still in form of a human and I don't think i could go to school today, i just haven't found a way to deal with this situation. I'll find a way out somehow."

"You doesn't sound as confident as your usual self hyung. By the way, what are you gonna feed him hyung? Raw carrots or baby food?"

"uhh.. seriously? I don't think a human baby could chew hard unripe vegetables. I'm gonna buy him milk and baby food"

"I'm kidding hyung. Okay then, good luck hyung. Tell me if you need some help"

"okay thanks chim. See u later" he ended up the phone call.

It's still 7 a.m. in the morning and the store opened around 9 a.m. so he got plenty of time before jungkook wakes up.

He decided to cook for breakfast. He is not really good at cooking, he drops things and burns food sometimes, but today he managed to make an omelet and toast bread. He cooks extra eggs just in case if jungkook hungry.

He sits on the chair next to the small table while waiting for the boy to wake up. He feels unsure if he made the right decision to cooked eggs for jungkook. Does bunny even eat eggs?

Suddenly jungkook awakes. He sits on the bed and stunned for a while. Then he rubbed his eye and looked around. When his eyes spotted namjoon, he grinned. Namjoon exactly had no clue what to do. Should he pick him up? What should be done first, wash up or breakfast?

"joonie!" he called namjoon as he shows his cute bunny teeth. Then he crawled down from the bed and excitedly run to him.

"ehm... hi.. morning bunny." Namjoon greeted him back, he smiles when jungkook's big doe eyes stare at him.

"mowning joonie. Up... wants to go up!" said the little boy as he pointing out to the table.

Namjoon then picked him up and sits him on his lap. 

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