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○ * • ☆ D-5 schools festivals ○ * • ☆

Jin pov :

Finally, exam week is over and the Bangtan school festival is around the corner. The event is held every once a year and It's one of the biggest and popular events among the other school in the city. Usually, families and students from another school come to the event to watch the school club's performance.

Every club must present something at the festival, either a performance or a competition to attract the visitors. This year, the cooking club is creating a cooking competition for students. jin wanted to participate and determined to win the competition. His ambition grew even stronger after a short conversation he had with kim jenny a couple of days ago.

Jin pov (flashback to weeks ago) :

It was after school and jin was walking to the library, he was about to study for the exam. Suddenly he bumped into kim jennie and the girl asked him for a moment to 'have a little talk' with her.

"hyung, I do realize this now, you have a feeling towards namjoonie hyung, am I right?"

"have feelings or not, it doesn't concern you jennie"

"it does hyung. Because you see, I have a crush on him since I entered this school. I liked him first and I'm not letting you take him away from me"

So this is the kind of 'talk' you mean? This is lame, I already knew about this since my day one here and I bet everybody knew, you were so obvious, honey. jin tried so hard not to roll his eyes.

 Even though he was kind of annoyed by her, she is still his friend and one of hobi's best friends. He just doesn't want to ruin their friendship.

Jin standstill and didn't show his surprise. 'The plan' he had been arranged with hobi all this time predicted this kind of thing. He has been prepared for this and there's no way he goes back down.

"I see jennie, so I guess both of us running after the same man. How about we play it fair? I heard there is a tradition on the Schools Festival Night where someone confesses their feelings to their loved ones by giving them red roses. So both of us give the red roses to namjoon and the one who will get the white roses in return is the winner. The other one who doesn't get them would promise to leave namjoon alone and won't bother him again."

"sounds fair enough for me"

"Lastly, I supposed the other friends of our group shouldn't know about this thing going on between us, deal?"

"okay hyung, it's a deal. This is easy, he will give those white roses for me anyway."

This time, jin couldn't hold himself and rolled his eyes.

"I think we're good here. I'll be going then. See you around jin hyung, bye-bye!"

The girl left with her usual playful smile as nothing serious going on

Just you see, he will not give the flowers to you kim jenny

Jin continued to walk to the library, the desire to make his plan successful is burning over him.

Jin pov (back to present) :

Kim seokjin stood quietly in front of the school's main door. It was raining since an hour ago but now the heavy rain had turned into a drizzle. Jin decided to wait even more until the rain completely stops before he walked home.

"yo jin-hyung!" a familiar voice from a brown-haired male snapped him out of his daze.

"you startled me, kihyun-ah"

"sorry hyung," kihyun smiled at him.

jin looked closely at the younger male, he knew him since jin joined the cooking club and both of them started to bond a good friendship.

he got a nice pointy nose and overall he looks kinda cute. But I preferred kim namjoon's upturned nose more. And namjoon face is the most perfect thi- wait, what am I thinking? Stop this thirsty thought instantly!

"by the way, aren't you going to head home, kihyun-ah?"

"no hyung, I have to buy some stuff to decorate the pantry for the festivals. Hey, want to go with me? I might buy a lot of stuff and need a helping hand to carry them"

Jin looked at his wristwatch, it still noon and he didn't have anything to do anyway.

"sure, let's go. But I didn't bring my umbrella today. That also explains why I've been waiting here until the rain stops"

"I only have one with me, we could share then."

He opened the big black umbrella and jin joined him as he took his offer.

No one pov :

"hey don't walk too far hyung, you'll get wet"

The younger male wrapped his hand around the olders shoulders

" my shoulders is already wet anyway. Your umbrella is too small!"

"it's not my fault that I don't have the 'worldwide huge ass shoulder' "

"you should know, my lame dad jokes are better than yours"

Both of the males were laughing and mocking each other just like any other friends would do.

From far away, park jimin was holding his phone with an active camera mode aiming at the males, who were now walking very close to each other.

What would namjoon think about this?  With a worried expression, he thought to himself.

* ° ○ * • ☆ • * °○ *

this is sooo crappy :(( it took me for abt 2 weeks to edit this chapt and still i don't like the result, so cringey and ugly (ಥ﹏ಥ)

and probably u guys r confused bcs too many pov 

but thankyou for keep reading this, it means a lot to me (T▽T)/\(T▽T) 

lots of luv ♡,


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