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Namjoon pov :

Jimin looked to the little boy with fright in his eyes. "Hyung... this little boy kinda reminds me of your bunny..but there is no way right? Ha.. hahaha" jimin tried to laugh it off to cover the fact that he still in shock at these bizarre strange things.

"HAHAHA.. yeah, right! Maybe we just tired, i's getting pretty late," namjoon look like he had the same way of thinking as jimin, but he tried to push away his weird thought and try to think logically. 

He rubbed his eyes, hoping that the little boy will turn back into a bunny and he just hallucinating. But the little boy still stands there, clutching his leg.

He then searched through the box to see if there's any warning sign that said the bunny inside the box can turn into a living human baby. But there is none, of course. Then he took the glued notes and on the backside of the paper, there's an extra note: his name is jungkook.

"jungkook..huh?" namjoon read. The little boy looked at him and then giggled.

"your name is...jungkook?" the little boy nodded and then raised both of his hands up and made grabby hands like a sign wanted to be picked up.

"hyung, I think it.. I mean he.. wants you to carry him," said jimin, noticing the little boy's gesture. 

Namjoon automatically picks up the child. He has never done this before but he just using his paternal instinct and gently held the two years old in his arm. 

Little jungkook wrap both of his hands around namjoon's neck and buried his face in the elder's crook. Both of them feel warm. Namjoon suddenly feels protective towards the boy and he held him tight to make sure so he won't fall.

Namjoon just not sure what to do right now, his brain refuses to believe that a certain animal could magically turn into a human baby. But he had no doubt that this baby boy is kinda giving the same vibes as the bunny he saw earlier and there's a possibility that he is the bunny.

Namjoon looked at the clock, it is almost 11 p.m. It is already late, he is tired and he has school tomorrow. Maybe he should deal with this magic-shapeshifter-bunny-boy tomorrow when he could think more clearly and rationally. He then decided to go home.

"what are you gonna do with him hyung? Are you sure we shouldn't call the police?" jimin ask as he opened the door for his hyung. 

Namjoon just shook his head "well, i don't know, let's see tomorrow. But for now, i think i have to bring jungkook home" he held the little boy who is already half asleep in his arm.

"okay, be careful hyung. See you tomorrow."

Namjoon said goodbye to jimin and headed home.

* ° ○ * • ☆ • * °○ *

sorry i'ts a short chapter bcs i'm having a exam week on monday :,))

i get bored on study today and decided to write a little bit, i also draw namjoon and baby kookie, here i'll show u guys

i get bored on study today and decided to write a little bit, i also draw namjoon and baby kookie, here i'll show u guys

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i kno it look nothin like kim namjoon (am sorry for ruining rm hot imageu ajskjdkawdj (●T^T●) ) 

okay dats all.. thanku for reading this chapter ilysm 

lots of luv ♡,


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