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Jin pov :

He. Just. Can't. With those dimples.

The fact that he is alone in the room with the man that successfully stole his heart yesterday made him nervous (and happy at the same time)

And now it's getting worse when the boy hit with his smile, showing his gorgeous dimples.

Jin just turned away his head, trying to hide his red ear and also so namjoon wouldn't catch him staring at his dimple again.

Then both of them decided to head back to the canteen.

"hey where were you guys?" hobi asked with a suspicious face when both of them approached the table. Namjoon sits next to jimin while seokjin sits in front of him.

"i'm just helping jin with...stuff?" said namjoon, jin realizes now that namjoon is sucked at lying. His face just can' hide it.

"and what 'stuff' are we talking about exactly? I saw you guys were heading to the biology labs before," taehyung giving a serious look, demanding an explanation.

But again, namjoon just speechless and freeze, making it obvious that they are 'hiding' something from them.

"You guys aren't making ou-ouch! What is your problem girl? Are you on period or something?" taehyung give an upset expression at kim jennie when she hit him in the head.

"stop it V! There is no way namjoonie-hyung do that. Both of them probably just helping the teacher in the lab. Right hyung?" jennie touch his hand softly and the way that she looks at him, jin is 100% sure, she clearly has feelings for him.

Namjoon looks uncomfortable at the girl's sudden touch. But he didn't brush it away, judging from namjoon personality, he probably just doesn't want to hurt her feeling.

The group continued talking and having fun until the bell rang and everyone walks back to their class.

That's when mr. Han suddenly stopped him and namjoon to talk before they enter the class.

Mr. Han said to namjoon that start on today, he will be on duty to help jin on catch up with all of the studies because the final exam is coming in a month.

Jin's soul explodes happily inside. Private study with the dimpled man? Why not?

Namjoon pov :

Okay, this past week things just happen to be crazy in his life.

There are several occurrences that are blown out of his mind and rather strange. But when he tells other about this series of event that he had faced, most people would prefer it as lucky.

Well, being lucky is a good thing. However, when you got lucky almost every single day in your past week, It just doesn't make sense.

Started after he took kookie home. Namjoon needs extra money to fulfill the living cost for two-person. Also, he needs to buy a few baby stuff and it turns out expensive

But somehow, luckily, his boss is giving him extra money said that namjoon is working really well on his first day at work so he wishes to give some tips.

Well, what kind of BoSs is kindly enough to pay extra the worker On ThEIr FirSt DaY?!

Probably never exist. And namjoon is LUCKY enough to have that kind of boss. Let me repeat LUCKY enough.

The second event is when he tries to figure out what to do with kookie when he goes to school because he can't leave an underage child alone in his apartment. At the same time, Hyejin noona (jimin's aunty) turns out to done writing her novel and wanted to take a break from her work. She also the one who offered namjoon to look out for kookie.

Hm :)) so lucky joon

The last one is kim seokjin, the newly transferred student.

Since they met again at the school (and at the same classroom) namjoon felt a little something on his heart every time he saw the male.

The male obviously attracts his attention and deep inside namjoon's softie heart, he wants to know more about him. But turns out namjoon is chickened out.

He just afraid that the male would reject him.

Kim seokjin is perfect in his eyes. Good-looking features, especially his lips and warm smiles (and also those windshields sound when he laughs hard), his personality with all of his dad jokes that usually made namjoon laugh, his weird crooked finger that namjoon found really funny and interesting, his loves for food and many more.

In short, he is way too high to reach.

According to namjoon ways to describe himself, he is a giant clumsy nerd who loves to study (and music) and sometimes secretly rap in the bathroom.

Namjoon just feel like he knows his place and he convinces himself that guy like kim seokjin deserves someone better, more than him. So he should just stop daydreaming.

But he just can't. Because somehow he always ended up being with him in every single damn moment. Not only being in the same class or the fact that namjoon sits behind him but they always being paired on every group work even if it is decided by the teacher or not.

Also, every morning, he would walk on the corridor with seokjin. Like heavens know when the time he will appear and its always the same time as namjoon walks toward the school main door. So they practically become a close friend and being able to spend a day with him makes namjoon feel so much better and happier.

And now, after mr. Han asks namjoon to tutor kim seokjin, the boy said he would come over to his place on saturday, which means tomorrow.

Yep. It feels too good to be true. He is very lucky indeed.

* ° ○ * • ☆ • * °○ *

the way joonie looking at jinnie is SOOoooOOOOooOO precious

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the way joonie looking at jinnie is SOOoooOOOOooOO precious. bye Im cryin T^T

enjoy this one~

lots of lobh♡,


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