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Namjoon pov :

Namjoon feels relieved as he walks away from the minimarket. After the banana-milk incident that almost exposed himself and getting recognized by another student from his school.

Thankfully the previous guy didn't know him.

Honestly, namjoon never saw that guy before in his school. As a top-rank student with a straight-A grade in all subjects, Namjoon had a strong memory. Besides, there are only a few good-looking male students that really stands out in his school like taehyung or jackson wang.

Another thing is, there's something bothering his mind. The scene of that guy smiled genuinely at Kookie is attached to his memory.

Namjoon never knew before that a random guy he met at a minimarket could make him blush. He just couldn't stop thinking about his smiles and those attractive lips.

After a long 15 minutes walk with a deep thought about the guy's pretty lips, namjoon arrived at jimin's house.

The rest of the evening spent with namjoon struggled a lot on learning how to bathe a little boy. And kookie got so much fun splashing water and made namjoon wet all over.

After they all got cleaned up, all of them eat dinner together. Also noona offer to help namjoon to look out for kookie when he goes to school on weekdays since she is finished writing on his previous book and decided to take a break from his work as a writer. Namjoon is more than grateful and thanked both jimin and her aunt.


Namjoon woke up and get ready for school early because he has to drop kookie first at Jimin's house. After he waved his hand goodbye to kookie and noona, he walked to school with jimin.

When he gets into his classroom, his eyes darted to a handsome familiar figure that is sitting next to hobi's desk. The male is talking to hobi and it seems that he is close to him.

Oh crap. Isn't he the guy who gave kookie banana milk yesterday? Why even he in his class..

Namjoon prays in his heart so he wouldn't notice him.

He lowered his head and walk straight to his desk. Unfortunately, hobi realizes his appearance and stopped him.

"Yah namjoon-ah! Jimin said you were sick yesterday. Are you feeling better now?"

Great. Thanks for asking hobi.

"Yeah, i'm so much better today, thanks." Joon avoid making eye contact with the handsome guy as he feels the guys eyes following him

"hmm..sorry, did we met before?" suddenly the handsome guy cut in and his voice made namjoon froze.


"No! We did not. You must be mistaken me for someone else" said namjoon in real panicky when he finally recovers from the shock.

"Are you sure?" said the guy, still looking namjoon with suspicious eyes

"of course! My name is kim namjoon by the way and I think i never see you before"

"nice to meet you namjoon, i'm kim seokjin and i'm a new student in this class. I just got in yesterday."

"ooh i see.. nice to meet you too."

Namjoon rushes to his desk and puts out his book. He pretends to read while his mind going out of place. What should he do if the guy tells everyone about kookie? 

He has to make sure that this handsome-seokjin guy won't tell anyone about his little bunny boy.

When lunch break comes, luckily hoseok left first because he needs to use the toilet. Namjoon used this chance to talk things out to jin. But before he even had the courage to approach him, jin come over to his desk.

"namjoon-ah, are you sure we never met before? Because i think yesterday i saw someone exactly look like you with a little chi-" jin never finished his sentences because namjoon suddenly put his palm on jin's mouth.

Namjoon swears he could see the boy's ears slightly getting a tint of red. And he feels his too. He pulls back his hand quickly.

"ah.. i'm sorry. We need to talk. Come on let's go somewhere...private"

Jin followed namjoon outside of the class, walking to a rather quiet place on lunch break. Namjoon took jin to the biology lab.

After making sure that nobody was around and both of them were completely alone in the lab, namjoon begins.

"Okay, here's the thing. Yes, i admit it. We already met each other at the minimarket yesterday and i'm sorry for not telling the truth before." The guilt is obviously shown on his face.

Jin looks satisfied and whispers something about ha, i knew it!

"But, about the little boy, Kookie, who was with me yesterday, please don't tell anyone about him, even to Hobi."

"if i may know, why? Isn't that boy is your brother?"

"no he's not. He is...uhm...its complicated" namjoon rubbed the back of his neck. He still didn't know how to explain things about kookie or how he met him. People might think he's crazy or out of his mind.

Jin realizes that namjoon is hiding something but he understands his privacy. He then smiled and nodded.

"alright, i promise, i won't tell anyone. It's our little secret then."

Namjoon smiled genuinely in relieved, showing his dimple, "thankyou seokjin, i'll appreciate it"

* ° ○ * • ☆ • * °○ *

namjoon froze in shook

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namjoon froze in shook

lol. i. just. can't  😂

lots of luv ♡,


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