1 (pt. two)

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Namjoon POV :

Namjoon looked around to see if there was someone that had dropped this little bunny or trying to find it. 

But there was no sign of anyone. Namjoon checked the bunny if it had a nametag or owner's address so he could return this little baby to its home. But he couldn't find anything. 

Then he checked the box and found a note glued on the inside of it that written 'please take care of Kookie'

It's unfortunate, this poor baby bunny is homeless. 

Namjoon caressed kookie gently and he realized how skinny its body was, he definitely could feel the animal's rib below its fluffy hair

Suddenly Hoseok's head popped from the kitchen door "hey, joon, hurry up, help me carry this to the storage room, mr. Boss is about to lock this place!" 

He looked at the baby bunny and he knew that he couldn't leave him there, without any food and a proper place to sleep.

There was no way I'm abandoning this little fella, I'll have to bring him home then.

"wait a little bit buddy, I will come back and get you, okay?" he said as he put it back in the box and then rushed back to the kitchen to help hoseok.

The kitchen was finally cleaned and his shift was finally over. Then he rushed to the box and checked to make sure that the bunny was still there. 

It looked like the baby bunny understand namjoon's words earlier, it seems like he had wait for him.  Kookie hopped happily when namjoon opened the box again. 

"Great to see you too buddy" namjoon smiled at the bunny's cute action.

Then kim namjoon proceeded to Jimin's place for a study session, with a cardboard box filled with a bunny.

Jimin's relative's house located in an area near namjoon's apartment, so both of them often visit each other. Either to hang out, study together, or just chill. 

The house belongs to jimin's aunt, who lived alone in the city. She is a novelist who worked at home and happily welcomed jimin to live with her. Her aunty is actually younger than you think, she is ten years older than jimin and preferred to be called noona, which definitely matches her bright and cheerful personality.

Namjoon pressed the doorbell and soon jimin opened the door.

"hey hyung! Come inside. I've already heated up the dinner for you. Noona made a lot of fried rice this morning and store them in the fridge. It's reaaally delicious! She said to make sure you eat- hey wait, what's in the big box hyung?" jimin looked curiously as he tried to peek into the box. 

"I've found a little bunny inside this box near my workplace, I think it has no owner, so I've decided to bring him home," namjoon said as he opened up the box to show jimin.

"by the way, do you have any veggies in the fridge? I think he is hungry, but it's already late to buy some food at the pet store" namjoon asked as he put the box down in the living room.

"sure hyung, let me check in the fridge. Be right back." jimin rush to the kitchen and came back later with a banana in his hand. 

"this is the only piece left hyung, noona hasn't gone to the grocery store since last week, she is very busy with her work lately, " said jimin as he handed the banana to namjoon.

"it's okay, thanks chim," Namjoon cut a small piece of the banana and fed it to kookie. He held him in one arm and put the small piece of the fruits on his other palm.

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