The First Trial And Some New Friends

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I did get quite lazy at the end for the intros so sorry  about that I also kept the occupations the same because im original lol anyways please enjoy


'Ugh... Where is this... I wonder... I'm I looking at the ceiling? Why was I sleeping here..? Ok.. just stay calm and remember... I'm Clay better known as Dream and normal person addening school... Good start with what you know best. Ok... errr.... I think I went home... Right and then, Mom!'

"Mom!" I yelled. I tried to sit up but I couldn't.

'Is there something on my head..?' I fearfully checked what was on my head... It was some kind of belt, or machine. 'I'm I tied to it? It's like I'm being restrained.'

"No way... Ack... What's the meaning of this?!" I yelled looking towards the ceiling. I felt my temperature rise. Suddenly fear awakened in me. "No!! Where is this?! Somebody!!" I had no freedom to move. Besides my head, my left arm, torso and legs seemed to be restrained. All I could move was my right arm. "Someone!!" I was about to scream, then  became quiet. The stalker. He'd harmed my mom. And brought me here... 'I wonder... am I.. going to be... killed..?'

"Dream! Are you there?!" 'That voice...'

"George!! Is that you?! Are you next to me?!" I tried to move around to loosen the straps but it didn't work.

"Yeah, But I can't move. Can you do something?" 'George is in the same situation?'

We then heard a phone ring. "A phone?" I searched my pocket finding nothing. "George? Is that your phone?" I asked him.

"Ehh..? You're right! Something in my pocket..! Here!" He answered the phone. "Hello?! Whoever you are! Help us!!" George practically screamed.

"Beginning voiced guidance." I heard a robotic voice say.

"Huh?" I could easily tell George was confused.

"The First Trial will now begin." The robotic voice calmly stated. "Dream and George, find the key hidden in this room. Then remove your restraints. If you can not do so before the time limit expires, the device on the beds will activate... And your bodies will be crushed with a thud. By all means, please enjoy this thrill with all your body and soul. The time limit is a healthy five minutes. And note that there was only one key, so discuss who will use it." The call ended...

'What... the heck is this..? The First Trial? We'll die? In five minutes?' I started to panic.

"Waaaaagh?! Wadd're we gonna do?!" I heard George scream.

'There's no time to fret about that!'

"George! Check your clothes!" I yelled at him.

"Yikes..." George said. "When I took the phone from my pocket I might have dropped something."

"No way... Pick it up!!" I started to hyperventilate.

"Got it!" George let out a sigh of relief. "It's the key!!"

"All right." I took a breath. "Use it." I said in a serious tone.

"Are you sure? If I do.. you'll..." George didn't know what to do anymore.

'If the voice was right... I might die... But..'

"George!! I know you can figure something out!" I know he couldn't see it, but I smiled.

"..." George hesitated. "Got it... I use it!!" he sounded like he was crying. "Then I'll save you! Definitely!!" There's the George I know. I smiled even wider know George wasn't going to fail.

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