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We all walked outside of the Game room to see Bad leaning up against the wall. 

Bad : "Dream..?"

"Bad..!" I was happy to see he was alright.

George : "Hey..! Is it okay for you to be up?"

Bad : "I.....I...."

"What's wrong? Do you want to say something?" I asked Bad kneeling down to his level.

Bad : "I just wanted to ask you.... About my sister......" I was shocked "Please, give me an answer. Back then...... Could I....... Actually saved my sister..? I was disoriented... so I didn't hear what everyone else said....But you and George.... And Philza and Purpled had the same trial... right? I..... Could I..... have saved her..?"

'I didn't want to put pressure on George to tell him.... nor did I want to lie.... so I told the truth...'

"Well...." I started.

Purpled : "Oh my, Bad, Puffy and Philza were looking for you ya know?"

Bad : "Oh...."

Purpled : "I heard you talking so I came over here."

Bad : "............................... Purpled..? Please tell me.... Could I...."

Purpled : "....You were unlucky Bad."

Bad : "Huh?"

Purpled : "Because we only had one key, we... We had to remove the restrains by force. Luckily Philza had me, and Dream had George. Due to us having a strong person, we barely survived."

Bad : "No..! That's a lie..! It can't be..."

George : "I.... It's not a lie Bad. It's the truth."

'Guess I have to join in on the lies too, huh.'

Purpled : "Guess it was a trial of both addressing the situation and of might. For you and your sister, It was a trial with a extremely low chance of success."

Bad: "I.... I don't believe it! You're all trying to deceive me!"

"It's true Bad..." I sighed. 'I'm for lying to you....'

Bad : "D-Dream..?"

"Even if it sounds like a lie, It won't change reality..." I looked at Bad with pity. "We're all telling you the truth..."

Purpled : "Bad..? You regret it, yes..?"

Bad : "I.... I..... Killed my sister! My sister was trying to help! But, I'm an idiot! I didn't listen!"

Purpled : "What was your sister like..?"

Bad : "................Sister.............................My sister was..........kind....Even when we fought......she'd never be cruel! She was always thinking about me! Why didn't she use the key on herself!?"

Purpled : "Was it not your existence that gave your sister happiness?"

Bad's eyes widened.

Purpled : "Bad.. I can tell you were loved, like it's in the air. Surely you were raised with utmost care, were you not..? I'm sure she was a wonderful sister. Dream? If you were his sister what would you say?"

"I would give Bad lots and lots of love." I gently smiled looking at Bad. "Bad.... When you smile it makes me happy.... When you cry, it makes me sad. As your big brother, not biologically though, Let me protect the little brother that I cherish. The fact that you're alive makes me happy!"

Bad : "Sis....ter..... I miss you...... sister......"

Purpled  : "Now the time for blaming yourself has passed. I'm sure your sister is watching you from somewhere."

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