New and Kind Obstructor, Elevators' Working, And a Hidden Trap?

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SAM Being with Jack Manifold is gettin' me down sometimes...

DREAM Sam... Do your best. Your life depends on it.

SAM Right! 'Course! I'm gonna focus!

JACK MANIFOLD Masteeer! Won't you give me a piggyback ride to check the upper ones?!

SAM ...

DREAM Do you not like being paired with Jack Manifold...?

SAM Ain't like that. Jack Manifold doesn't seem like a bad person. / It's just... I wish we'd met all normal-like. It's tough at a time like this...

DREAM (Must be hard to switch between on and off...) Please, don't get flirty.

SAM I ain't!! You tell that to Jack Manifold!!

JACK MANIFOLD Master, don't get chatty! You have to search!

SAM Nnngh...!!

JACK MANIFOLD Be sure to check even the unopening lockers!

SAPNAP Keep an eye out for traps, will you?

JACK MANIFOLD Of course! I don't want to be destroyed!

SAM How's you guys' endurance, anyhow? Are you sturdier than us?

SAPNAP No idea... Don't really wanna test, either. / If only they'd made us of some super-alloy, there'd be no worry of dying...

JACK MANIFOLD Ehh? I wouldn't want to be all stiff! / I mean, look, my skin's all soft! Please, Dream, go ahead and touch my cheek!

DREAM Uh...? Well then... I suppose...


Jack Manifold's cheek was as soft as a human's.

DREAM (Amazing... I can't even see him as a doll...) It's true! Your shoulders don't feel stiff at all...!

JACK MANIFOLD Now how about your cheek, Dream?

DREAM Huh? Ah...

JACK MANIFOLD So soooft! Now that's the skin of a teenager for you!

DREAM Um... I think we'd better...

JACK MANIFOLD Just a little longer! Eeeee!

SAPNAP Now that I think about it, we won't age or get sick anymore either, huh...

JACK MANIFOLD Wow! Isn't that just the best! Being a doll's not so bad, actually!

DREAM (How positive...)

There's a red stain on the ceiling.

DREAM (Punz said this was a bloodstain that was cleaned up some time ago...)

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The door is firmly shut.

DREAM (This symbol has me curious...)

There's a symbol that looks like people.

DREAM Is this really a bathroom...?

SAPNAP That's what it looks like at a glance...

DREAM But the door won't open. If it were a bathroom, it'd be blocked off...

SAPNAP You have a point...

DREAM (Hm? Hold on, this symbol...) / (It kind of looks like they're holding hands...) / ... (Maybe it's a clue for how to open the door?)

Held Sapnap's hand :)


DREAM (It opened!)

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