Eret's Emotions Going Haywire And Saving Punz

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The green books are neatly lined up.

SAPNAP This is the one. The book that mentions Eret's weakness.

PUFFY Is just one gonna be enough? Might as well take 'em all.

We grabbed all the green books.

TUBBO The bookcase staircase closed back up, buzz!

SAPNAP D-Dangerous... If somebody had been caught in that, that'd kill them right there.

TOMMY Now I'd just like to know where he is...

SAM All we got's to go on is a name! Nngh...

DREAM (Even with only a name... someone does come to mind.) / (That boy in the Discussion Room...) / (He didn't look like a violent Obstructor, but...) / (I guess... we'll just have to go see.)

GREEN BOOK 1 Hey there! It's me! For Death Game participants around the nation troubled by Obstructors, I bear good tidings! / Believe it or not, I'll tell you the weakness of the strongest Obstructor doll, Eret! / It's the crevice in his back! Remember this, and you'll soon be an Obstructor Master!

GREEN BOOK 2 A follow-up report! A new weakness has been discovered for the strongest of the dolls, Eret! / The key is the link between emotions and colors! Red is anger, blue is sadness, yellow is joy! WOW! / Knowing is half the battle! Remember this, and you'll soon be an Obstructor King!

GREEN BOOK 3 The secret's out! The unknown weakness of the strongest doll Eret, laid bare! / When she's happy, have fun together! When he's angry, hear him out! When he's sad, show him kindness! / Be sure to treat him with care! Remember this, and you'll soon be an Obstructor God!


The door is firmly shut.

DREAM (Eret... If my guess is right, he's in here...) (I should prepare myself...)

PUFFY Dream... Don't tell me, she's here...?

DREAM Yes...

SAM 'Zis door even open...?

DREAM (Oh right, none of them know...) / This door opens if a pair holds hands.

FUNDY Whoa...! A cute method that gets your heart racing!

GHOSTBUR For real...?

TUBBO Hurry! Let's all hold hands, buzz!

SAM ...This'll do 'er?

JACK We're all set!

GHOSTBUR Tch... Holdin' hands with you, huh...

TOMMY ...Hey, can you control that grip of yours? It hurts...

FUNDY Ooh, your fingers are so nice, miss!

PUFFY H-Hey, that tickles...

KARL ...Will it still work even with gloves on?

TUBBO Buzz?! I'm super not taking them off, buzz!

But the door didn't open.

TUBBO Why, buzz?!

SAPNAP Hmm... Wonder if only one pair can enter...

TOMMY In other words, we have to steal the ID card with just two people...

SAPNAP No, we should have a discussion to make his hand over the ID card.

PUFFY Shit... Well, who's goin'?

NIKI Who'd ever want to do something so dangerous...?

SAPNAP We'll go.

DREAM (SapNap...)...No other choice, I guess. / We met him already... He should be less wary of us.

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