The Fifth Floor (IM BACK :D)

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DREAM (...Looks like we arrived without incident.)

SAM ...Hey. Long time no see.

DREAM Good. So you arrived safely too.

TOMMY If only something had happened, huh...?

PUNZ Guys, Slime might be on this floor. Be cautious...

DREAM Right...!

There's a paper on the ground.

DREAM Wonder what this is...?

PAPER Is everyone well? I'm getting very bored, so I wrote you this letter. I'll give you a map, so please come meet me soon. - Slime

DREAM (What a weird letter... By map, does he mean...?) Sure enough, it's a map of this floor. (This is where we are now...)

-------------------------------------------------------------Locker Room------------------------------------------------

KARL Eek...! Not again...!!

PUFFY Huh...? This room's just like the other one.

PUNZ ...Careful, everybody.

SAM Seems a bit cleaner 'n the one downstairs.

DREAM (Yeah... It almost feels like an unused room.)

A small speaker is installed here.

DREAM It can be removed...

PUFFY Ain't this a voice recorder?

SAM Huh...? Might've got a voice recorded on it, then.

DREAM There's a switch on the back... I'll press it.

I pressed the switch on the speaker.

VOICE DATA ...This is the First Trial.

DREAM ...!!

VOICE DATA You have 5 minutes. If you cannot escape in time, you lose your life. / You are not alone. Your fate is tied to someone you cannot see. / However, if you refuse this connection and are willing to betray them, you can leave safely. / Follow the voice in your heart.

PUNZ ...That's the whole thing.

DREAM (As I suspected, this room was used for a First Trial...) / Urgh...!!

PUNZ Dream...!

What is it? When I try to remember, my head hurts.

DREAM (I can't just run away... I... need to... someone else...) / (No! My head... hurts...!)

PUNZ Don't force it, Dream.

DREAM Punz... / (It's no good... leaving it this hazy...)

TOMMY Hey, Dummies... Have any of you guys heard this recording before?

GHOSTBUR Nope, not at all. We only saw the moment of our deaths, see?

FUNDY Yeah, the start of our trial was cut from the video.

SAPNAP Can't remember anything just before we died...

PUNZ Ah, I see...

DREAM (If this is also a hint related to our memories...) / (Then we might need to have a discussion of our First Trials again...)

Something's lying here.

PUNZ A tranceiver... If we had the other one, we could probably use it to keep contact.

JACK This is Jack! Do you copy?! ...Maybe a little bit like that!

SLIME'S VOICE Yeees, this is Slime! Thought of a way to kill me?

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