End of Tag, Helping Sam, Becoming Allies Again, and Slime...

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FUNDY If I see Slime on these security cameras, I'll let you know over the PA system!

PUFFY Tch... Even though there's security cameras, I don't see Slime anywhere! / He must be moving in their blind spots...!

==============================Police box==================================

KARL It seems pretty open, so I can't imagine there's many places you could hide here...

TUBBO Should've picked up his scent when I had the chance, buzz!

PUNZ Not here, huh...

SAPNAP He's not gonna be easy to find, huh...

PUNZ Come to think of it, Dream... Have you seen library books anywhere?

DREAM Huh? Is that important?

PUNZ Just a little curious. I think I've seen them around...

DREAM (Hm...) In the classroom, I believe...

PUNZ Way to go... So you remember...

DREAM (Heh heh...) In the Discussion Room too... and the Office.

PUNZ Discussion Room...?

DREAM You haven't held hands with Niki yet?

PUNZ ...Guess your friendly policeman moves a bit slow, believe it or not.

DREAM (Sheesh, I'm being serious here...)

NIKI Punz... Even when he's facing away, it feels like he's watching me. / Maybe he's got eyes on the back of his head...

================================Office Space===============================

A yellow book. / On the back, it says "Please return on time."

DREAM (Seems this book was borrowed from the library...)

SAPNAP Ahh... It's summarizing that physical exam stuff that was on the computer.


There's a green book.

DREAM (There were books this color in the library...)

SAPNAP Whoa! There's something written in it!

DREAM Really...?! This is a school, so... A textbook?

SAPNAP Not even close. ...Well, I mean, it could still teach us something.

GREEN BOOK Hey there! It's me! For Death Game participants around the nation troubled by Obstructors, I bear good tidings! / Believe it or not, I'll tell you the weakness of the strongest Obstructor doll, Eret! / It's the crevice in her back! Remember this, and you'll soon be an Obstructor Master!

DREAM (One of the Obstructor's weaknesses...?)

SAPNAP Annoyingly-written, but this is good to know.

DREAM (True... Though I hope we never have to meet this "strongest Obstructor"...)

===============================Discussion Room============================

BOY Ah, welcome! So you came back.

SAPNAP Dream... Only pairs can enter this room, right?

DREAM Yeah. "So Slime wouldn't be here," right? / Still, he could take advantage of that assumption...

SAPNAP I... guess that's true. Seems like a Floor Master can do whatever...

BOY Floor Master... You mean Slimecicle?

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