The Tale of Punz

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Some time earlier...

[SAM] Yo. How're ya feelin'? You got a pretty pained look, there. / At least gimme a reply... Punz.

PUNZ ...Morning. / (Whew... My head's still spinning...)

SAM Glad yer okay. Can you stand?

PUNZ (..........) ...I'm alright. ...Kinda having some trouble.

SAM Okay, I'll close 'er back up.

PUNZ Fine, fine, I'm getting out...

JACK Hey, you look pretty drained... Are you okay?

PUNZ ...Nah, no problems here. Appreciate the concern.

SAM Jes' not the most expressive guy, I guess...

PUNZ (Now... gotta wake up and assess the situation.)

A very large shutter blocks the entrance.

PUNZ (Have we been locked in...?)

JACK You've been saved, so be happier about it!

PUNZ (Do I look that gloomy...?) Thanks, Jack.

JACK Yaaah! I got hugged! / You join us, Sam!

SAM Yer gettin' too carried away... Still lookin' a li'l woozy, Punz?

PUNZ (...) What's the situation right now?

SAM Dream an' the rest got an ID card and headed to the upper floor.

PUNZ Seems the Coffin Control System worked out...

JACK Glad you didn't have to get grilled!

PUNZ (No kidding...) / Well, that's a relief. So everybody's okay...

JACK Umm... Well, about that... / Ghostbur took a big injury...

SAM And Eret's still runnin' wild on this floor...

PUNZ What...? Impressive you two are okay, then.

SAM Heh, well. We weathered it out hidin' in the coffins.

PUNZ Huh? But if they'd gotten locked...

SAM Then we'd just have Dream and the gang unlock 'em for us, right?

PUNZ (I see...)

JACK But we can't hide here forever!

PUNZ Yep. Wanna meet back up with the rest...

JACK I'm sure they're gonna cry! We gotta hurry upstairs!

PUNZ Then let's escape to the upper floor quick. Gotta meet up with Dream and the rest.

JACK Yeah! Agreed! We can't hide here forever! / It was super scary in that coffin...! I was gonna die of claustrophobia!!

PUNZ (So Jack and Sam hid in coffins too...)

SAM Thing is, if Eret comes running' after us, everybody will be in danger.

JACK T-Then what should we do...?

SAM I got an idea... / We turn the power off so Eret can't use the elevator!

JACK Y-You mean... the breaker in the gallery? / But...! Then WE'LL be stranded!!

SAM C'mon now, we've got this heavy shutter here. We'll be safe, awright? / Guessin' it's gotta be Dream and the others who closed it from the control room. / That bein' the case... Heyyy! Somebody! Open up the shutter!

Sam waved to give a signal, but nothing happened.

SAM Hmm... Is nobody watchin'?

PUNZ (Are we stuck here...?) For now, let's think of a way out of here.

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