An Intense Vacation pt. 5

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Unfortunately, Liam was awakened about twenty minutes after he fell asleep by another lurch in his stomach.

"Oh God," he said, reaching for the dish.

"Here, Li," he heard Niall say. Niall was holding out the dish for Liam.

He grabbed it and threw up into it. When he had finished, he looked up and saw that Niall and Zayn were with him now.

"Harry and Louis went to get some air," said Niall, answering Liam's unasked question.

Zayn pressed the button to call in a nurse. "You should be looked at. The antibiotics seem to be making you really sick."

Liam leaned back and shut his eyes.

Nurse Ethan came in quickly. "He threw up again," said Niall. "He's really not feeling well."

"I'll get you an anti-nauseant," said the nurse. "Hopefully, that will make you feel a lot better. We need to get you to eat something soon."

Ethan brought Liam a pill and a glass of water. Liam gratefully swallowed both.

The nurse took Liam's temperature. "Your fever has gone down, which is a great sign. How is the vertigo?"

Liam pondered for a moment. "I don't really feel dizzy anymore," he said. "It's just that my stomach hurts. And I really have to pee," he said, suddenly feeling an ache in his bladder.

The nurse nodded. "It was a strong antibiotic, so the nausea was to be expected, but that feeling won't last long. The anti-nausea medication should kick in soon. In the meantime, just take it easy. As for the need to pee, that's just the catheter pushing on a nerve. Your bladder is being drained constantly, but if the tube is in a certain position, it can make you feel as though you need to urinate."

Liam winced. "It certainly feels real."

The nurse smiled. "I can take out the catheter if it's bothering you. It just means that you'll need to get up when you need to use the washroom."

"That's fine," said Liam. "I really would prefer it if you took it out."

"No problem," said the nurse. Liam glanced sideways at Zayn and Niall. They quickly exited the room so that they wouldn't be present for the removal of the catheter.

Ethan took out the catheter. "There you are. If you need help getting out of bed to use the toilet, just press the button to page me. Is there anything else that you need right now?"

"No, I'm fine," he said. "Thank you for all of your help."

The nurse smiled and headed out, saying, "I'll check on you soon."

After Ethan left, Niall and Zayn came back in, followed by Harry and Louis.

"Feeling any better, mate?" asked Zayn.

Liam smiled feebly. "Yeah. I'm sorry for being short with you guys."

"Hey!" said Niall. "No apologies. You've had quite a day. We're just glad to see that you're doing better."

Louis looked down at the bed, confused. "Where's your pee bag?"

Liam laughed. "It's gone. No more catheter."

"Ah. Now you can't just be lazy and piss in the bed," he teased.

Liam rolled his eyes. "I did not piss in the bed. My bladder was being drained constantly."

"Whatever you say," said Louis with a smirk.

Liam smiled and then leaned back against the pillow. It was just hitting him how exhausted he really was. He was drowsy from the medication and still weak from fever, but his stomach had kept him from resting properly. His eyelids were beginning to feel extremely heavy.

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