Bursting Little Baker Boy Pt1

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Bursting Little Baking Boy
Harry Styles sighed loudly and tugged his jacket tighter around him. God, how cold was it?
Even though today would be a good day, the curly boy did wish he was anywhere but here, in Britain, waiting for Louis; feeling a little.. grumpy. And, he knew perfectly well why.
The curly boy shivered next to the metal portapotty, giving the grimy door a shove and whining when it reacted in a way he didn't like; not opening.
"Come on, please open." Harry pleaded to it, bending his legs gently and tugging loosely at his crotch. "I need to go pee." He explained, like it really could understand him. "Not bad, honest." He hissed. "Just feeling uncomfortable and I don't want Louis to know." He whispered. Harry's eyes fluttered to the little post next to the toilet and stared at the words on the screen; Please insert 20p for the use of these facilities!
Harry sighed, crossing one leg over the other and gingerly poking his crotch. "I don't have 20p! I have nothing!" He snapped at it angrily, whacking the sign. "Do you want me to wee myself?!"
"That'd be great.." A soft voice silkily whispered into Harry's ear, a pair of arms slinked around Harry's low waist and linked, pressing Harry's abdomen tightly.
Harry flinched and immediately bit down on his lip. He could feel himself trembling lightly. "L- Louis?" He said, voice quivering as he felt small shooting pains fill his bladder.
"Yup, that's the one." Louis whispered, kissing Harry's earlobe and sucking the edge; Harry almost almost became putty in Louis' hands. "C'mon now darling - what was that you were saying about being desperate?"
Harry sighed, and a flush of embarrassment fluttered through him. He sighed, tapping his foot, squirming the tiniest amount, tightening his muscles under Louis' grip. Of course, Louis wasn't that stupid, he felt what Harry was doing; and with a quick massage or two, a little bit of submittance, Harry whined, feeling the tenseness in his muscles disappear. His breath hitched; but thankfully, his urine was staying where it should be - for now; and the man relaxed.
"Are you coming with me, then?" Harry grunted.
Great.. Hazza thought wearily.
This was going to be.. fun.. again.

Harry was at his old bakery.
Harry was in an apron that was just a little too tight, pushing at his filling bladder.
Harry was regretting this.
Harry was really regretting this. Yes - he knew it was for charity.. yes, he enjoyed working at his old bakery, even for a little while. That wasn't the part he regretted, oh no - why oh why, could he NOT have a simple twenty pence?! One simple twenty p and he wouldn't be in this mess...

"You alright, Hazz?" Louis giggled. It had been a hour, maybe a hour and a half since they first got to the bakery and Louis was kind of enjoying this. Oh, Harry was really getting himself into a lovely little situation here, wasn't he? And with Lou around, it was only going to get worse!
The other thing (aside from Louis) Harry was worried about was fangirls. Harry loved them at any time; any time other than now, that was. The fans always used to catch him when he was getting desperate for the loo and Harry prayed that today they'd leave him alone, as mean as it sounded. Unfortunately for Harry things weren't going that way, and soon the sound of screaming filled his ears and he braced himself, tensing up, the lines of his muscles popping gently into his legs.
I'm ready. Harry thought. Do your worst.
"AAAAaaaahh!" A fan screamed, and Harry flashed his best "I-don't-have-to-wee!" smile at her as he stood patiently behind the counter. "C- can I have a picture?"
"Oh, su--" He stepped forward, but soon the fangirl had flopped into his fucking arms. Straight away his bladder reacted to this, painfully throbbling and his wee began to slosh in protest. Harry's eyes bugged slightly and he let out a small whine of protest, but quickly tightened his legs; the lines of his muscles clenching. He waved one hand in the vague direction of his crotch and hid his worry behind his smile. "Hi there!"
Harry's full attention was on his bladder though. His bladder was getting fuller and fuller; and was now dully aching beneath his clothes.
"Hey girls!" Louis chirped. He smirked sneakily at Harry; ohhh, being evil was so much fun.
There was another scream. Harry sighed in relief; maybe they'd move onto Louis and leave him alone now?
"How would you like to see Harry in full uniform?" He teased. The girls began to giggle and scream.
Huh, wha--.. Harry was about to turn around and question this, but Louis had plopped a hat onto Harry's head.
The younger boy dared allow himself to relax a little, becoming a little less tense; but then Louis tied an apron around him, the tightest it would allow.
"Omnf.." Harry let out a whimper as the apron was so tight it dug into the sensitive skin surrounding his bladder; and of course his bladder protested at this, sending shockwaves of pain crashing through him.
Gotta wee, gotta wee, gotta wee.. Harry thought to himself, staring nervously at the fangirls in front of him.
"Harry can I have a picture?"
"Harry can I have one too?"
"Hazzaaaaaaaaa! I want a picture!"
"I don't want a picture I just want food.."
Harry felt a frown flip onto his face. NO! He wanted to scream to all of them. No! Go away!
"Yes, I'm sure he'd love a picture, wouldn't he?" Louis said, speaking down to Harry. Harry grumbled, but his submissive side made him agree, and Louis steered him forward to a fan.
She jumped and screamed excitedly, slinging her arms around Harry's neck and Harry tried to bite back a whimper, his bladder jolting, wee slithering around his bladder, weighing him down.
Harry crossed his legs slightly; his bladder felt like a ball of liquid pulsing around irratically. He cracked a nervous smile, and as soon as the camera flash went off, Harry pulled away, frantically tugging at his crotch. He whimpered as a few tears gathered in his eyes.
"Now, now." Louis whispered, spotting Hazza and pulling him away. "This is no way to be acting.." He gently tugged Harry's hands away from his sore crotch. "Stop playing with that and get behind the counter."
"Yes Master.." Harry muttered miserably. He stood behind the counter. "What can I get you?"
"Harry, can I have a drink?"

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