Not So Relaxing Day Off

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Harry was ecstatic that he and the boys had finally gotten some time off to relax. The day was nearing an end and him and the boys have spent the day out and about and Harry was enjoying the time he had that wasn't carefully planned out to the dot. The day so eventful and full of good company, he couldn't think of anything else but joining in on the constant laughter and rowdiness that the One Direction boys always stir up. Apparently, Harry was having too much of a good time to notice his filling bladder. It wasn't until twenty minutes into the car ride back to Zayn's house that Harry squeezed his legs together involuntarily and his mind finally focused its attention on how full his bladder was actually getting.

"Great." Harry thought. He shifted up in his seat and scrunched up his face a bit at the discomfort. He wasn't at all desperate though, and decided it wasn't bad enough to start any drama. Instead, he lightly tapped his forehead against the car window, annoyed at himself for letting this happen yet again.

Somehow, in the next five minutes, the urge to wee had grown ten times worse. Maybe it was because Harry was now completely aware of his need. He rocked his hips from side to side as subtly as he could, intending to look like he was just getting in a more comfortable position. He pulled at his seatbelt that was resting right on his bladder, to get some pressure off for a moment. God, he really needed to go. Why didn't he notice his need earlier? He kept his hands folded in his lap, and jiggled his leg a bit before crossing his legs at the ankles.

Was he moving around too much? He knew if any of the boys found out he needed a wee again they would, without a doubt, take the opportunity to torture him by talking about waterfalls or their favorite drinks or something. Hell, one time Niall even looked up running water sound effects on his phone and turned up the volume all the way, leaving Harry squirming uncomfortably and cursing at them, while the other boys laughed. He didn't feel like being teased by anyone right now, especially his boyfriend, Louis, who never gave him a break. He was the one who gave him the hardest time, and ironically the one he was in love with.

The car hit a bump and Harry was brought back to reality when his bladder reacted, wee threatening to squeeze out. He winced and his hand involuntarily shot to his crotch to hold it back. He let out a tiny squeak and quickly removed his hand from his crotch, folding his hands back in his lap and glanced at Louis to make sure he hadn't noticed him. Surprisingly, he hadn't.

Louis looked over at Harry, who had his brows furrowed looking like he was concentrating hard. He looked so sexy like that, and suddenly he couldn't control himself. Louis put his hand on Harry's leg, slowly inching up his thigh.

"Oh fuck, Louis. Not now. Seriously?" Harry thought. He put his hand on top of Louis', stopping his hand from reaching any higher. "Louis." Harry warned. Louis glanced at Niall, who was beside them in the back seat. He was asleep. He looked at Liam and Zayn in the front, who were chattering about whatever. The radio was on too, so Louis didn't see why he couldn't be a little sneaky with Harry.

"C'mon babeeee. No one's paying attention..." Louis whispered, smirking a little, still oblivious to Harry's predicament. He fought against Harry's hand and moved his hand higher up Harry's leg. "Fucccckkkk." Harry cursed inside his head. Louis needed to stop, or else he was going to pee all over himself and the seat. He lifted his bum off the seat and leaned back into his seat in order to stay away from Louis' wandering hand.

"Uh uh." Harry shook his head at Louis. Louis finally gave up after Harry's incredible gesture. "Jesus. You're acting like a five year old trying to get away from eating brussels sprouts." Louis half joked. "What's up with you right no-" Louis' sentence was cut off when Harry felt another powerful urge and squeezed his legs tight, moaning out an "Mmmmmmhh." as he slowly rocked back and forth in his seat again, blushing slightly.

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