An Intense Vacation pt. 7

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Harry and Louis guided Liam into the living room to join Niall and Zayn, who had wanted to play a few rounds of Super Smash Brothers. They found Niall bouncing around with anticipation on the floor while Zayn reclined in the armchair and chuckled at Niall.

"It's about time," said Niall impatiently, snatching up his game controller. "Let's go! I will destroy you!"

Liam, Louis, and Harry settled in on the couch with Louis sitting between his two handsome lovers.

"All right, let's do this," said Louis, handing a controller to Harry and picking one up for himself.

They could only play with four people at a time, but Liam was still a little drowsy after his dizzy spell, so he was content to just watch the other boys play for a while.

Liam was so relieved to be out of the hospital. He had only spent a day and a night there, but it had felt like an eternity. Besides, it was just to relax and spend some quality time with the boys. They all seemed exceptionally happy to be hanging out together again.

They were already laughing hysterically two minutes into the game when Zayn managed to beat everyone in the first round with Pikachu.

"WRECKED!" he shouted, jumping up onto the chair and pumping his fist.

Liam and Louis laughed so hard that tears sprang from their eyes. Zayn never got this excited about video games, and he normally wasn't much good at them. "You... you beat us with... fucking Pikachu!" Louis managed to squeak.

"Zayn," gasped Niall, doubling over in laughter, "where the hell did that come from?"

Harry had initially been laughing almost as hard as Niall, but he seemed to quiet down prematurely, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. This did not go unnoticed; he was still grinning widely, but Louis saw Harry cross his legs and adjust his position. Hmmm... thought Louis. I wonder if he needs the toilet.

Harry seemed like he was itching to play another round of the game; he wasn't normally incredibly competitive, but he couldn't let Zayn get away with another round like that.

Louis had an idea forming in his head. He handed Liam the controller. "Here, Li, play for me. I'll be right back." He slipped out of the living room and into the kitchen.

The other four boys played another round, and Liam managed to win the round with Luigi.

"Liam's back, all right!" said Niall with a grin.

Liam grinned too. It felt great to be back.

Louis returned with an armful of party supplies: he had grabbed two bottles of liquor, a bottle of cola, a carton of juice, and a stack of plastic cups. "What do you say we make this a drinking game?" asked Louis with a grin.

"Sure!" said Niall, cheerfully. Louis knew that he could count on the Irishman to be on board.

Harry started to rise from his seat. Fearing that he was taking this opportunity to head to the loo, Louis said, "Sit down, love! You lads go ahead with the next round. I'll mix your drinks for you."

"Deal," said Niall, initiating the next round.

Harry sat back down reluctantly. He wanted to use the washroom, especially if they were about to start with a drinking game, but he couldn't leave now that Niall had started the game again.

Louis quickly mixed a few drinks and handed them out to the boys. He handed Liam a bottle of water. "I'm sorry, Li, but you'll have to play with this. It wouldn't be wise for you to drink alcohol yet."

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