Tinkling Tomlinson

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Zayn never knew why he liked to watch Louis Tomlinson squirm so much. Zayn never knew why he was never panicked when Louis had been reduced to a squirming, whimpering and sobbing mess.
And the Bradford Bad Boy never knew why his body flooded with heat as Louis dribbled against his tight, red skinny jeans; in fact why Zayn was getting aroused as urine snaked through Louis' skinnies as he crouched backstage, whimpering and trembling with need, totally unable to hold it any longer - was a mystery to him.
But, it was plaguing Zayn's mind so much.. There was something about Louis squirming - and just Louis - that was sexy. Niall and Harry wet sometimes too and that excited him, but seeing Louis squirm in desperation like that just totally rocked the Bradford boy's body completely. Maybe it was because Louis was the oldest and when he wet it made him look vulnerable.. Zayn would never know.
One thing he did know though.. was that he would make Louis do it again!

Zayn rocked on his heels silently as he waited in Louis' dressing room. They boys were about to start rehearsing for their concert later on tonight and Zayn just wanted to give Louis a present or two. He plonked himself onto the sofa and patiently waited, fiddling with the present he was going to give Louis, and thinking of the rehearsals and concert ahead. He begged silently for Louis to be desperate at some point tonight; and felt slightly bad for doing so. But he so badly wanted to see Louis desperate again.
Zayn intended to fill Louis up with drinks at the rehearsal. He jumped up and down on the sofa in excitement, anxious for Louis to hurry and for the fun to begin.
Thankfully it wasn't for long and a minute later Louis burst through his dressing room door, squirming slightly and bending every few steps. Zayn stood. "Lou?"
"Oh.." Louis was breathless. "Zayn I- I'll talk in a lit-- ack! --little while okay?"
Zayn nodded and grinned a little, knowing what was wrong straight away.
Louis dived into his en-suite bathroom.
Zayn listened out eagerly and grinned the slightest bit; the sound of urine hitting water and porcelain silently flitted to the living room, forceful and pushed and.. Zayn chewed on his lip as he heard Louis sigh, loud and breathy and full of much needed relief. Louis was definitely desperate. Zayn stood back again, feeling perverted for listening..

Louis returned a minute later looking much more relaxed than before. He fidgeted with his t-shirt a little. "What did you want to talk to me about?"
"Oh, umm.. I just have some things for you.." Zayn cooed happily.
"Ooooh!" Louis said. "What?"
Zayn held out his hands, showing Louis the jumbo packet of Haribos and the three cans of Monster energy.
"Wow!" Louis grinned. "Thanks, Z!" He wasn't surprised by the three cans of Monster energy drinks; they were what he usually drank, the same amount too. He pulled the ring-pull and cracked one can open; sipping it cheerfully.
"You're welcome." Zayn smiled. "Gonna be hyper at the rehearsals?"
Louis grinned and faux pouted. "I always am hyper!" He said. Pulling at the bag of Haribos, he opened those too and offered them to Zayn.
"Sure!" Zayn said, taking one. Louis took one too and they both slammed the sweets against eachother. "Cheers!" Zayn proclaimed. It was a ritual the boys did before rehearsals and concerts, using sweets like drinks and 'cheers'-ing to them.
Louis guzzled the Monster drink down. "Let's find the boys and cheer!"
Zayn laughed. "Okay!"

True to his word, Zayn ran around the arena with Louis, gathering up the missing bandmates and cheers-ing with them and the haribo sweets. Louis was sipping his drink happily, starting on his second can. Zayn could tell the effects of the haribos and the energy juice were starting to kick in with Louis - the boy was as hyper and more excited than a bottle of shaken pop.
"Hey Niall!" Louis caught up with the boy and pulled him back towards Zayn, Liam and Harry, who had been found already. "Let's go have fun!"
Niall chuckled. Louis was definitely hyper. "Sorry Louis." He smiled apologetically as he moved to lead the way. "We have to do rehearsals for the concert later on tonight, yeah?"
Louis stopped and his mouth dropped open a little in shock. Whoa. Rehearsals had rolled around quickly!
"Yeah." Niall said again, looking unhappy.
"Maybe they won't be that bad?" Louis gave Niall's shoulder a squeeze. "Maybe she won't be as strict again?"
"I hope not." Niall whispered, pulling his t-shirt down a little lower just in case. Last time, the choreographer was very strict with the boys and something very very embarrassing had happened to Niall last time. The choreographer was not sympathetic about the whole ordeal and Niall was very upset.
Niall, Louis, Liam and Zayn all looked at Harry who had spoken, then upwards. Their bodyguard, Paul Higgins, was standing in front of them. It was beginning to feel like a game of 'follow-the-leader'.
"Do you even know where you're going?" Paul laughed.
The boys paused and looked at eachother. Harry looked at Paul and shook his head, everyone's expression sheepish.
Paul rolled his eyes and beckoned the boys to move. "Good thing I know where you're going then, yeah?"
"Oh!" The boys collectively said. "Yeah!"
Paul shuffled onwards. He led the boys to the choreography room where they were meant to practice and then left them alone. For a long minute no one moved, just stared up at the door. No one wanted to go in and see the mean choreographer again
"Someone open the door!" Louis whined as he bounced on his toes, wanting to burn off this energy.
Harry gulped dramatically and looked at Zayn. Zayn hesitated for a moment but then nodded grimly in approval. Harry silently pushed the door open, and One Direction slipped inside, ready to practice.

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