One Is Never Enough; 5Times Part 4

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The question is 'What's the most embarrassing thing to happen to you as of recent'?; the 'as of recent' throwing an unexpected spin on an otherwise routine question, and the boys have their eyebrows knotted together in deep thought.

But it's only a moment before Harry suddenly feels eyes on him and he glances sideways at Liam. There's a disconcerting grin on his face. Oh splendid, Harry thinks. And just what tragic moment is he going to have to relive this time?

"I think Harry's got one," Liam prompts, and the interviewer who's sat on the couch opposite them, leans in interestedly.

But Harry just frowns, "I do?"

"I can think of at least five off the top of my head," Louis pats his shoulder admirably.
"From this morning."

"Well, it wasn't this morning," Liam says. "But didn't something happen at one of our recent shows?"

Harry continues to frown. That actually doesn't really narrow it down a whole lot because Harry's more or less prone to odd things happening to him at every show.

Liam raises an eyebrow, "You don't remember?"

The interviewer has got his mic at the ready, creeping even closer to the edge of his seat in anticipation for the no-doubt thrilling tale of Harry's misfortune.

Harry eyes the camera that's recording the scene, apprehensively. Then he turns to Liam, "Did I slip or something?"

"Hahahaa," Niall laughs out.

"He doesn't remember," Liam concludes. He turns to the interviewer, "Alright, I'll tell it. So the other night, right in the middle of our gig, Harry decides he needs the toilet so badly that we have to stop the set so he can run offstage and have a wee."

Harry blinks at him disbelievingly. 'Really Liam? It was that necessary that you share this bit of information with the rest of the world?'

Niall is still laughing, and now Louis joins in too, slapping his knee for kicks, "Oh yeah. That was pretty embarrassing, wasn't it?"

"Thanks," Harry says.

"Mid-concert toilet break?" The interview inquires. "That's a new one. But don't worry, Harry," he says to him. "I've heard worse."

"I'm gonna need examples please," Louis folds his arms defensively, as if intent on saving Harry from being out-done on the humiliation scale.

But the interviewers just chuckles awkwardly and says, "Everyone needs a wee sometimes, right? Even megastars."

Harry smiles at him, "Thank you," he says truthfully.

"Yeah, well I think even 'megastars' can wait until after their show," Liam sticks his tongue out at Harry.

"I tried to!" Harry insists. He definitely remembers what show they're talking about. And he also definitely remembers that he could not have waited until it was over either. He leans over to Liam to hiss into his ear, loud enough for everyone else to hear, "It was an emergency!"

Liam laughs and shoves him away, "Right. Okay."

Harry leans back and sighs at the interviewer, "Yeah, I can't tell you how lucky it is to be in a band where no one holds awkward situations over your head ready to dish out at a moment's notice; especially when the situations had been beyond your control. It's really lucky."

"Which band are you talking about?" Zayn wonders confusedly.

"Think that was a joke, mate," Louis informs him. "Always a bit difficult to tell with Harry. But I do think it was an attempt at one."

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