And The Winner Is; 5Times Part 3

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Tapping his foot, Harry blew out an agitated breath and shifted slightly from side to side. His phone buzzed in his pocket and he pulled it out.

To: Hazza
From: Boo Bear
Did you get lost?

Harry sighed before quickly thumbing back; Queue is taking forever.

Squirming slightly, he glanced impatiently at the seemingly never-ending line in front of him. Whoever was in the toilet had either fallen in or else died. Apparently.

He tapped his foot again and checked his watch. If this didn't hurry up, he was going to miss their award altogether. Louis decided to remind him of this with another text.

You are missing everything. Just met Katy Perry and Adele!

Shifting feet uncomfortably, Harry typed back; Siiiick. Are they still there?

No. but you should be. Seriously missing everything.

'Dammit,' Harry thought annoyed. What an initially brilliant - yet turned out to be not so brilliant after all - idea this was, to wait until the short ceremony break to go to the loo. When every other person in the entire building - maybe even the entire country judging by the size of this line, decided to do the same thing. How had it not crossed his mind at any other point during the night that it would have been maybe a little wiser to go earlier during one of the other nominations, when most everyone else was sitting at their tables enjoying the show, instead of hogging the bathroom? He crossed his arms and tapped his foot faster.

What's worse is that he had seriously waited too. Meaning, he had needed to go for more or less the entire event, but he either kept putting it off or else kept getting distracted by everyone and everything going on around him. He seriously had to stop doing that.

In his head he rewound back to thirty minutes earlier, when he'd almost considered just getting his ass to the toilet already, but stupidly stayed where he was and accepted the tall glass of champagne that was handed to him instead. Yeah, real idiot move that was, he scolded himself.

In fact, the more he thought back on it, the more he realized there was always someone handing him another drink, or refilling his glass when it was empty. He had originally thought the waiters were just attentive; either that or anxious for tips, but he now realized they were all really just conspiring against him. They must have known Harry had no control over himself when his glass was so kindly and repeatedly filled. They also must have known all that liquid had to go somewhere and that Harry was not only careless, but also easily distracted, and that he would wait until the last possible second before he finally went to the loo.

Clearly he'd just been the innocent victim to some predetermined attack. He should probably write a complaint.

Well, maybe later anyway. Right now, he had a much more important matter to attend to. But in order to get to that, he first had to get to the bathroom.

"Have we gone for a wee, or a nap?" Harry muttered angrily, and to nobody in particular. If there was any chance that he would possibly get to the bathroom some time before the night's end; though it didn't look likely, he was without a doubt peeing on whichever idiot had fallen asleep on the toilet and was keeping him from it for so long.

He checked his watch again. At this rate he'd never get back out there in time for their nomination.

"Idiot," he repeated to himself.

Becoming increasingly restless, he bounced a little on his toes and bit his lip, trying to see over the many heads in front of him to how far away he still was from the bathroom door. But it turned out he couldn't even see the door from back here. Apparently, that was how far away he still was.

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