The Princes and the Pee

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"Sweetheart, you look fine." Anne Cox, Harry Styles' mother, said as she kissed his cheek. "So cute, Louis will love it.. Oh look, you've got a scuff on your collar. Come here."

Her sixteen year old son sighed as she rubbed the scuff mark and buttoned him up. "Mum, it's a rented suit, it's not my scuff mark." He murmured, fiddling with his thumbs. He looked up at her after a while and bit his lip. "You really think he'll like me, Mum?" Harry was looking timid. Somewhere amongst his worrying he felt his bladder pulse, and shifted his legs, ignoring the need for now as his mother continued.

"Of course he will, sweetheart. Listen, there's the door. Quick!"

Harry gasped. As Anne left the room, Harry slipped himself a spray of cologne. He took one look at the toilet, gulped and left the room after her.
Downstairs, he opened the door; shyly greeted Louis, and left the house before his mother could embarrass him any further, Louis and Harry arm in arm.

The two walked, looking ever so in love, to the school. Harry couldn't put off the thought that something was wrong though. He was feeling a little 'off'. Uh oh - he hoped he wasn't sick tonight. He tuned back in to Louis' conversation.
"--If you need the loo or anything, just find me or give me a nudge, I'll point it out. The loo I mean - not your need." He teased.
Harry giggled awkwardly, and blushed. He felt a small jolt from his bladder, but shrugged it off. The walk was short, and he was fine. It was cold though, and Harry found himself wincing a little in between walking as short little jolts hit his bladder and aches radiated from his abdomen. Uh oh.. he should've gone to the toilet. Oh, but surely there would be a toilet there.. He shrugged it off, and entered the school.
"W- what should we do first?" Harry asked cluelessly. He'd never been to a prom before, never mind one for older kids. Even if they were only a little bit older. He looked around a little shyly, at the very busy surroundings.
Louis, 'aww'ing, pinched his cheeks and kissed him on the lips. "Aw, babe. Just hang out a bit! Punch?"
Harry nodded, desperately thirsty, his tickly bladder forgotten about. Louis took him over to the punchbowl. There was a small drinking game going on. "Wanta join in?" A taller person asked Harry, handing him a shot glass. Harry nodded unsurely.
"Just drink a lot." Louis whispered, and Harry nodded. He eyed up his opponent and just began knocking back shot after shot, gulp; gulp, gulp, gulp. Every once in a while, he winced at the taste, or his bladder reminded him that he wasn't exactly empty - but they were just shots, barely anything.. so what? He tried to ignore the tiny bit of bladder pulsing, and guzzled down whatever drink was placed into his hands. When everyone whooped, he stopped. "What?"
"You won!" Louis laughed.
"Oh." Harry smiled and put his cup down, resting. "What did I win?"
"You didn't win a prize. Might win some, er, desperation for a piss perhaps?" Louis teased. Harry laughed awkwardly too, rubbing his side awkwardly. His abdomen was warm and achey, and he was beginning to feel the cool drinks settling low in his stomach, piling on to whatever he'd already had. Uh oh.. He sure did drink a lot.. Maybe-- maybe he should.. "Ooh--Louis." Harry asked. "Actually.. c-could I just pop to the toilet.. now?"
Louis squinted at him.
"Already? You're joking, aren't you?! Could you wait - look, there's something I really want to show you - you wanna put in a vote?"
Harry's heart sank. He rubbed his filling bladder with a sense of worry. "What? A vote?"
"Yes, a vote." Louis told him, and Harry bit his lip as he was dragged over to a small crowd of people.
Big people. Much-taller-older-and-scarier than him people. His bladder began to ache a little as the drinks already began working through his system. They tended to do that when he was nervous.. He shifted on his feet. "A- a vote for what, Louis?" He whispered.
"Prom Prince and Princess." Louis told him, and stepped up to the little voting station. "Who'dyou wanna vote for?"

Harry's face fell. He didn't know who they were. He just wanted to go to the toilet. More pressure. Fuck! Definitely a lot of drinks. Too fucking many drinks. He was kicking himself, and jogging a little on the spot out of nerves. When hot-and-cold nips, reminding him he should GO TO THE TOILET swam over him he squeaked and stood still. "Oh.. um.." He looked around, rubbing at his side. "Uh... them!" He pointed at two randomers, and shuffled off. Already regretting those drinks.

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